Page 50 of Sparks Fly

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“I’ll be fine, Ivy. Just go home.”

“Don’t tell me what to do.”

He spins around, stalking towards me until he’s so close that I can feel the heat radiating from his body. I suck in a small gasp, my breathing suddenly shallow.

He reaches up and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. My body shivers involuntarily as his hungry gaze lands on my lips. My tongue darts out to wet them and his eyes track the movement.

“Maybe I don’t want to talk,” he rasps out. “Maybe I just want to forget. I’m guessing you do too.”

That’s the only warning I get before his lips crash down on mine. His tongue spears past my lips, dominating the kiss. Fireworks shoot through my veins. I use those beautiful blond curls as reins to pull him closer. His hands circle my waist, pulling me flush against his body, his erection pressing against my stomach.

He moans into the kiss, the sound zipping through my body straight to my core. There’s no denying that Conrad has awoken something in me. I thought I’d lost. Conrad’s slowly chipped away at my frozen heart. I’ve tried to fight it, but I haven’t stood a chance. As scary as it is, I’m quickly realizing that he’s slipped past every barrier.

By the time he breaks the kiss and turns his attention to my neck, I’m panting in a desperate attempt to breathe.

“Conrad,” I murmur. “What are we doing?”

“Fucked if I know,” he says, nipping the soft skin under my ear. “But I don’t want to stop.”

“Me neither.” I tug on a fistful of his hair, bringing his lips back to meet mine. This time the kiss is deep and sensual, the heady taste of him exploding on my tongue. It’s hard to remember why I’m even trying to fight anymore.

Conrad’s phone is buzzing relentlessly in his pocket, but he doesn’t stop kissing me. When it stops and then immediately starts again, I reluctantly pull away, resting my forehead against his chest as I try to catch my breath. “That might be important.”

He sighs and pulls his phone out, rejecting the call and powering his phone off completely.

“That bad?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” His tone is harsh, and it makes me take a step back. “Sorry,” he mutters with a shake of his head, reaching out to grab my wrist before I can pull away any further. “I… They… Fuck!” He runs his free hand through his hair, tugging on the ends in frustration, but he doesn’t let go of me. “I really don’t want to talk about it.”

I lift my gaze to his face. He’s staring out over the water, eyes vacant, jaw squared. He looks absolutely wrecked. “If you change your mind, I’m here.”

This feels like it’s getting a little too personal. It scares the hell out of me, but Conrad clearly needs someone in his corner right now. I don’t know what’s going on, but I am starting to realise Idocare.

He pulls me back into his body, squeezing me tight. “Thanks.”

I splay my hands on his chest and lean back so I can meet his eyes. “This almost feels like we’re friends,” I say with a smirk.

“Friends who fuck?” He leans down to capture my swollen lips once again.

I pull away laughing. “You really have a way with words, don’t you Foster?”

“Yet you’re still here, Willis?”

I shrug. He can’t hurt me if I go into this with my eyes open. And I already know how skilled Conrad is with his body. “I’m still here.”




Despite all of the bullshit, Ivy’s still here. But I can’t bring myself to talk to her about my family–not yet. Not when I’m still left in the fucking dark.

The waves crashing against the sand make me take a reluctant step back–we’re in public. It’s just past nine thirty on a Saturday night–anyone could be out. I can hear the music from Patty’s from here.

Ivy hugs her arms across her body, and I don’t miss the hurt that flashes through her eyes. I grip her chin and tilt her head up until our eyes meet. “We’re in public, Princess.”

She presses her swollen lips together, pulling my eyes to them. I have an overwhelming need to lean in and kiss her again, but I hold my ground. She seems to mull something over before saying, “I’m home alone tonight.”
