Page 71 of Sparks Fly

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I shake my head, trying to think. I can’t let anyone know she’s been in here–not if we’re going to have a chance. I run a hand through my hair. I need to get everyone away from camp so she can sneak out.

“Wait here,” I whisper. “Don’t come out until we’re all gone.”

Ivy steps into my arms, offering up her lips for a kiss. “Thank you.” She moves away so she’s hidden from the entrance, and I take a deep breath before undoing the zipper. Eight heads turn to look at me as I step out, rubbing a hand over my face as if I’ve just woken up.

“What’s going on?” I ask, faking a yawn.



MY HEART’S THUMPING. I’m hiding behind the opening to Conrad’s tent, listening to everything through the thin walls.

“What’s going on?” Conrad asks. I have to admit, he’s done an incredible job making it sound like he’s been sleeping.

Someone mutters a curse as Brady grits out, “What are you doing here?”

“Trying to sleep off a headache,” Conrad bites back. I know he has to be upset about the things he heard, but I have faith he can keep his cool–he’s not the same Conrad from before. “What’s it to you?”

“Have you seen Ivy?” Wren asks. I smile–she’s always been the peacekeeper.

“Nope,” Conrad keeps his voice steady. “No one was here when I came back.”

“She’s probably just in the bathroom,” Sophie offers. “Come on, Forever Summer starts in twenty minutes. We don’t want to miss them.”

“Her phone’s still here,” Brady snaps. “She’ll have to come back for it.”

Shit. With a deep breath, I creep towards the door, preparing myself for the disappointment when Brady sees me. Though before I can step out, Wren speaks again, making my hand freeze on the zipper. “I’ll wait for her. You guys go and get us a good spot.”

“I’ll wait with you,” Brady grunts.

Damn him and his stubborn ways.

“Babe, we’re big girls. We don’t need you holding our hands. You need to relax–you’re killing the vibe.” I stifle a laugh at her tone. “Take him to get a drink or something. We’ll meet you at the stage.”

I assume she directed that at Harley since he’s the next one to speak. “Let’s go. Wren’s got this.”

I hold my breath as I listen for the coast to clear. A couple of minutes later I hear, “You can come out now.”

I unzip the tent and walk out grimacing. “How did you know?”

“Lucky guess. What were you thinking?”

I press my hands to my temples. “I know, it was stupid and reckless. But Wren, I can’t do this anymore. I want him. I want to tell Brady about us.”

“Was this your brilliant idea of doing that?” My face drops and she pulls me in for a hug. “Tell him the truth before it all blows up in your face. You know how he feels about secrets. If he finds out about this the same way he found out about your dad, it’s going to absolutely gut him.”

I swipe away a rogue tear. “You’re right. I’m going to tell him tonight.”

“After Forever Summer,” she tells me, pressing my phone into my palm.

“After Forever Summer,” I echo.

* * *

“IS EVERYONE READY to rock?” The lead singer and guitarist of Forever Summer screams into the mic. The crowd surges forward, the noise deafening as Elias Vasilios shouts again. “I said: ‘Is everyone ready to rock?’”

The benefit to being so small is Wren and I being able to squeeze ourselves through the crowd. Our friends have found us the perfect spot right in front of the stage. Brady gives me a questioning look, but I simply shake my head. We’ll talk later. When he turns back to face the stage, I catch Conrad’s eye and mouth a thank-you, grinning when I get a wink in return. I meant what I said: Despite everything I’ve tried to fight, he’s broken down all my walls. I want him–all of him.
