Page 10 of Flame

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Shayla's eyes shift, making me narrow mine at her before she clears her throat. "Actually, she doesn't have any money left; she said she spent it on crap as soon as she turned eighteen. Is there anywhere you all can think of as to where she'd be?"

I jerk back at her accusations while Dead Shot narrows his eyes at her, not believing a word she's saying, and I must admit, it doesn't sound like Star to blow 10k on shit yet she's never had money on her when we're together, so what really is fucking going on?

"No, I don't know where she's gone, but again, Shayla, she's packed her bags, so she’s not in any danger; she's eighteen, probably wanting independence. She'll be in touch when she's most likely settled. You know Star; she likes to have everything in order."

Shayla grinds her teeth, frustration and anger etching her features, making my suspicions of her grow. She nods before turning to leave while we watch her go. When the door shuts, I look at Dead Shot with a raised brow, and he clears his throat clearly, not wanting to tell me anything but sighs when Axel does the same raised brow as me. "She rang me yesterday; she's ready to not live in the shrine that is her childhood home. I know where she is, and she's safe and sound, so leave her be, all of you." He pointedly looks at me, and I nod in understanding. She wants a life outside of her family, a life I'm trying to help her get by making her lose her feelings for me. She deserves to be happy, even if that means I'll be miserable. Sighing, I get up and place my plate in the sink, ignoring Ginger.

"Alright, I'm off to the garage," I say as I pat Axel on the back. He and his father nod while I kiss Cammy's cheek before heading to my bike. I own Fire's Garage with the club co-signing, and currently, I have six cars that need checking over two that need their tyres changed, and three bikes in for autotuning. Busy fucking day with a hangover, but hey, at least business is fucking booming.

I get halfway to work when I notice Star walking out of the paint supply shop, and I quickly pull in near her.

"FIREFLY!" I shout to get her attention, but she ignores me, making me furrow my brows before climbing off my Harley and rushing after her, her yellow sundress swishing as she picks up speed.

What the fuck?

I quickly rush up to her, grabbing her arm lightly, making her turn to me, and I furrow my brows at the blatant coldness shining through her caramel eyes.

"Star, I shouted, and you ignored me," I say in confusion, and she just shrugs. "It's my time of the month; I'm in a prissy mood."

I tilt my head. Star's not that fucking prissy during her monthly. Normally she texts me demanding chocolate, which she hasn't done, but fucking why? Why would she ignore me? I mean, I know I let her down yesterday after our kiss, but she had to know...

My thoughts stop, and I know she knows about Emma. Clearly, her sister decided to gloat instantly. Fuck, I'm not ready for her hate yet. "Look, Star about Emma."

She doesn't let me finish; she butts in, shrugging her shoulders as she starts to walk backwards. "What you and she do is none of my business; I'd just prefer not to listen to it." I swallow hard. Fuck, she heard? She turns around and walks away from me, waving her hand up. "Sorry, I can't stop and talk; I have a date to get ready for later."

My hands fist at my sides with her words. A date? A fucking date? Dammit, I know I said this is what needed to happen, but why in the fuck do I feel like I'm fucking dying on the inside?

And of course, I know the fucking answer.

Because she's the love of my life and I can never have her, that's why.

Chapter 5

Star – Age 20

I pick up my bottle of water and have a sip. The last few years haven't been easy. After I left home, I got a crappy small apartment that I'm still stuck in because my mother still takes half of my fucking wages, and yes, I just swore when I cannot stand the language; being brought up around bikers and slutty women constantly swearing puts you off it, but my mother is still blaming me for my father's supposedly dead death, and I've been trying to keep my platonic relationship with Zayne at arm's length after he decided to screw my sister again, who seems to think she has a hold on him now, and I've had enough.

Shaking my head, I take another sip of my water, worry about my friend etching through me.

Annalise and I became really close; she's brought my cooking skills up level by level over the past two years, and she's managed to make me thousands on my paintings through her bakery. My mother obviously found out about it and decided it was her money. Despite ruining my chances at art college, she somehow managed to get me pulled out a year later. She had taken every cent I made on them until Annie found out last year. She lies whenever my mother goes in for my takings, telling her I haven't sold any when in reality I have. The money I've made is left in Annie's safe; I only take what I need for new paint supplies. Annie and I have become so close that she's actuallythe only person I've told about following Hairy, who finally messed up. Next week I'll be moving to Louisiana, where I've finally found him moving my now very thin dad blindfolded. I lost them through the camera, but he's definitely still in the area of Illinois. As far as the club will be aware, I'm attending their art school after my mother pulled me out of the one I was attending; only Annie will know the truth, and she's sworn to secrecy.

I'm brought out of my head when Zayne nudges me, worry-etching his features, but I just look forward. Annie, my sweet friend, was kidnapped by a man who killed her mother when she was small—a man who nearly killed her too, a man who was supposed to love and care for her. Her father had been released from prison and had been threatening her recently after she and Axel became a couple. She tried to push him away out of fear for his life, but he wouldn't let her; he held on tight, so she caved after finding out she was pregnant and told her to love everything only for her father to kidnap her, to kick her baby out of her body, and now she's laid up at the General in a comatose state, refusing to talk.

A tear falls, and Zayne quickly wipes it away, then clears his throat. "You know what we haven't done in a few years?" I shrug. "A friend date." I hold in my snort. Of course, we haven't; he screwed my sister after I gave him my first flipping kiss at eighteen because he's all I ever wanted. Heck, I still haven't gone out on a date with anyone; I've tried but canceled at the last minute every single fricking time, all while he screws around over and over again.

I'm that stupid girl in books who waits around for a guy who doesn’t deserve her.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Come on, we'll go to the bar for a little while; Leah's working."

Ah, Leah.

She's worked at Untamed Fire for a little while now. We started to become friends until Carl, who is now known as Razor, stated they were together and she cheated, so I hung back and ignored her, but not because I believed him; no, because I'd found out he's a traitor. When he cried, how heartbroken he was, while Cara, a waitress, sobbed how horrible Leah had treated her 'friend' in Gunner's ear, a club brother who had an instant connection with Leah, would run into her bed upset that his dream girl was apparently a 'patch chaser' nothing was adding up from the sweet girl who helped Slicer see a girl he was crewing was trying to frame him. Now I knew they were working together, so Cara could win over Gunner. What Razor got out of any of it, I don't know, and even to this day, I still don't know.

When Razor started sleeping around as soon as he "broke up" with Leah, I monitored him all while staying back from a woman I started becoming friends with, not wanting to tip him off, and my patience played off because he contacted Hairy about the club's next run of shipments.

What a flipping shocker!
