Page 9 of Flame

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I hang up before going to the clubhouse, where I'll need to try my hardest to ignore Ginger and her sneering looks and whatever Zayne does in his room. Thankfully, the walls are soundproof. I won't be there for long, though, even if I have to get the crappiest flat in town.

Hopefully, I can find the courage to leave this town behind as soon as I have the money, but first I need to find my dad. I'm close; I know I am. I can feel it. Hairy will mess up, and I'll be there to witness it.

Chapter 4

Flame – Age 26

I take another swig out of the whiskey bottle before walking up to Star's house. We need to talk; her kissing me today was a mistake, and she needs to realize that. We can't be together; she deserves a better life than this one with me.

Fuck, just feeling her lips against mine, I take another swig out of the bottle. I really shouldn't have ridden here like this.

The door opens before I can knock, and Emma stands there, grinning at me in nothing but a towel. My dick likes what he sees, but that could just be the booze. While some men get whiskey dick, mine fucking perks up. She bites her bottom lip, and my stupid idea from two years ago comes back to mind. It took me a year to get Star and me back to well-being, Star and I but I think she needs another realization.

We're never going to happen, no matter how much I want us to.

I take a step forward before grabbing Emma's ass, and she squeals, which goes right through me, but I ignore it. I need to do this; Star needs to know we can only be friends. I won't hold her back from living her life club-free. Emma puts her face into my neck, sucking lightly as I walk us to her room, slamming the door shut behind us before I drop her on her bed. I flip her over,the towel falling away, before gripping her plump ass. I notice some blood, and I roll my eyes while she moans.

"Don't worry about my period; just take my ass, baby."

I tilt my head, then shrug, whatever.

I pull my hard cock out. My Star comes to mind, and guilt starts to rise, but I ignore it. She needs this push to move on from me, so maybe I can try and move on from her. I sheath myself before taking the lube she hands out to me. Squirting a decent amount on her puckered hole, then placing the head of my cock there and pushing in, I groan in displeasure.

How in the fuck is her ass so loose?

Shaking my head, I bottom out as she moans, pushing back on me hard and giving me the go-ahead to fuck her how I want, so I do. I twist my hand in her hair, gripping it tightly while holding her head up, and fuck her ass hard, groaning as I finally start to feel her tighten.

"Oh, Flame, yes, yes, right there, fuck your cock is so big." She moans, and my hips move faster. I can feel my spine tingle as more liquid gushes from her cunt, her orgasm taking hold with a mixture of blood, and I quickly pull out, cumming in the condom while groaning, "Fuck, yesssss." She turns and grins, and I know I need more. I need to betray Star so she moves on from me, which even in my drunken, fucked-up brain I know is fucking stupid, and I'm going to regret this in the morning, but unfortunately for me, my brains are not working; my body's taking over.

"Get your ass in the shower."

She giggles before rushing into her suite, and I follow, stripping as I do before hopping in with her, fucking her mouth this time while trying to forget my love for her sister, for someone who deserves more than my fucked-up self.

The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache and a passed-out Emma sprawled across me,

"Fuck, what did I do?" I whisper before gently moving her over, getting up, and thankfully not waking her. I look at the time and see it's only 4 a.m., so I quickly dress, knowing I'll have to scrub myself clean when I get back to the club. I have dried blood on my pubic hair, and it's fucking disgusting.

Shaking my head, I quietly leave but not before longingly looking at Star's door. She won't want me at all after this, and I can't fucking blame her, but that's a good thing, I guess. This is what she needs in order to kick me to the curb fully. I don't want to lose our friendship; she's my everything, but we can't have anything more, so hopefully her feelings for me will now disappear and I can try and move on as well.

As soon as I get to the clubhouse, I rush to my room, then into my shower, where I burn myself with how hot the water is, washing Emma's fluids off me.

Thank fuck, I was smart enough to use my condoms the two times we fucked after the shower and not the ones she offered; you can never be too careful. Shaking my head, I climb out and dry myself. The shooting star tattoo catches my attention on my left arm, the letters 'Always my star, forever my heart' staring back at me, and a tear leaks out of my eye, sliding down my cheek.

I fucking wish I was good enough for her, that I didn't have blood on my hands or live through this lifestyle to give her the best life, but this is who I am; the club is in my blood, and she deserves a better, normal life without worrying about me day in and day out. I shake my head and continue drying before climbing into bed to get a couple more hours of sleep before work.

A few hours later, I'm walking into the club's kitchen, my head pounding. Ginger grins at me, placing a plate on the table forme. I thank her before digging in, letting the pancakes soak up the liquor from last night along with the bad fucking decisions I made that will forever haunt me. Dead Shot, Cammy, and Axel sit down with me, tucking into their breakfasts, when Shayla, Star's mom, rushes into the kitchen, looking frazzled and well-hung over. Her brown hair is a mess, while her brown eyes are red. Dead Shot looks at her before turning back to his food, and I furrow my brows at his behavior before she gets my attention.

"Flame, have you seen Star?"

I tilt my head. "Nah, not since yesterday morning. Why?"

She clears her throat and says, "She's missing." I went into her room this morning to grab... I mean to ask her something, but all her stuff was gone."

My brows shoot to my hairline. What does she mean, gone?

I go to open my mouth as concern shoots through me when Dead Shot speaks up but is not looking at her, causing Axel to look at his dad funny with the same look I'm most likely looking at him with.

"She's not missing if her belongings are gone, Shayla. Star’s eighteen, and I'm pretty sure she was left a bit of money just like Emma was; she's probably found herself a flat to become more independent."
