Page 18 of Flame

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"NO, HE DIDN'T FUCKING RAPE HER; I TOOK HER VIRGINITY LAST NIGHT," I scream. He didn't fucking rape her; no, no, no, I didn't fucking leave her like a lamb, ready to be fucking slaughtered. Please, please, please, please.


Dead Shot grips my shoulder as we watch Hairy grip her panties, ripping them off. You can see she's screaming, but no one comes to her aid. He pulls his jeans down a little, then shoves himself inside her. Her whole body jolts with pain as he rips into her hard and fast.

You can see blood start to drip down her legs, and my tears fall hard as I watch this vile creature anally rape my girl, my love, who I fucking left because I wasn't man enough to be what she needed.

"No, n-no." I sob as I fall to the floor, Dead Shot gripping me in his arms.

Firefly, my Firefly. No.

We watch as her body goes still. She's gone numb, and I sob some more. She's given up the fight; she's shut fucking down while he tears through her.

After about seven minutes, the soon-to-be-dead man pulls out and cums all over her ass and my fury builds. She doesn't move as he chuckles and pulls his jeans back up before fucking spitting on her and walking off onto the street. Star doesn't move for about five minutes; we can see the tears trailing down her cheeks as she stares forward, not moving, and my fucking heart shatters in my chest.

This is my fucking fault, mine.

When she does move, she uses the wall to help herself up, leaving her underwear. She grips the wall and uses it to guide her to the street. Axel switches the camera again, this time to the street, and we watch as she makes sure to stay away from the door, then flags down a driver on the road. I growl when she speaks to them through the window, and we see their eyes widen. It looks like a female, maybe Silver? They nod, and she gets in the backseat, the car doing a U-turn, heading towards the hospital.

I'm in a state of shock, my eyes glued to the screen, when Axel clears his throat.

"Do we call Doc? Or do you want to hack the hospital for her records?"

I take a deep breath before clearing my throat as Dead Shot helps me stand, and I go to the computer, hacking into the hospital data. It only takes me a couple of minutes before I find her folder and click on it. Dead Shot reads it out.

"Ok, she had been raped—raped anally. She had extensive tearing, which took a minimum of a few weeks to heal. She had scrapes and bruises, but nothing more extensive than that. Her blood work and HIV tests came back clear, and she was offered counseling as well as the police to be called in, but she refused both."

My anger takes over; I can't hold back as I pick the chair up in front of me, throwing it against the wall before pointing at Axel and saying, "Call Snake, now." He nods and grabs his phone, putting it on speaker. Snake answers after six rings,

"Axel, do you have any idea what fucking time it is?"

Axel clears his throat. "Hairy is your traitor."

He's quiet for a moment, and I can't take it. I throw another fucking chair as Dead Shot mumbles, "Shit."


Axel doesn't speak; I do instead: "Your VP Snake anally raped my girl two weeks ago because I burned his cousin, the man who was against your club, trying to cause a war between us, alive."

He sucks in a breath. "Hairy vanished a week and a half ago, and half our fucking safe was gone. MOTHERFUCKER."

He breathes heavily.

"Your girl, is she okay?"

My tears fall again, and I shake my head. I can't speak. Last night was her goodbye; she fucking left me, and I don't fucking blame her. Axel clears his throat. "She's ran. basically said goodbye to him last night and ran."

"Fuck! We'll start searching; the fucker is dead, as is anyone else who's working with him."

Axel and Snake talk for a few more minutes, arranging for Slicer to potentially travel out with Snake when we get word on where Hairy is before I'm flying out of church hoping to catch up withmy girl. She can't leave me; I'll fucking handcuff her to the bed if I have to; I've just got her fully; I can't lose her; I can't. Dead Shot and Axel rush after me, both gripping my arms before Axel gets in my face.

"Let her go, Zayne. Just for now, you left her and fucked Ginger. Please, brother, she needs to go."

My temper explodes, and I shove him hard. "I HAVEN'T FUCKED ANYONE IN TWO FUCKING YEARS!"

Their eyes widen in shock, and I drop my chin to my chest before I rasp, "I haven't fucked anyone since I got blacked out drunk and fucked her sister for the second time; Ginger has been fucking lying for years; I just let her so Star kept away." I lift my head to see tears in Axel's eyes. "It's all good she needing space, brother, but Dad taught her everything he knows."

Both their eyes widen some more before muttering fuck and then rushing to their bikes while I rush to mine. If we lose her, we lose her for good because she's just as good as I am with computers, which means she has the means to disappear.
