Page 17 of Flame

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Thirteen hours before Illinois, before I watch the house, Hairy accidentally let slip.

I'm coming, Daddy; I'll save you even if it takes me years.

Chapter 9


I blink my eyes when pounding on the door wakes me. I look to my left, my hand going over to Star, but the space is empty, only slightly warm.

I furrow my brows before looking towards the bathroom door; it's open slightly but the lights are off. The pounding continues, and I quickly get up, covering myself with a sheet before going to answer it. I scowl at a pissed-off Axel.

"Get fucking dressed and meet me in church right fucking now, hurry."

I frown when he rushes away before I go to get dressed. I drop the sheet about to put some jeans on when I halt, noticing blood on my cock, and I swallow hard before looking at the bed. Fuck, there's also some blood on the sheets.

She was a virgin; my Star gave me her virginity.

I swallow again, trying not to fucking celebrate like a douche. She obviously fucking freaked and left before Axel knocked.

I need to see her.

I quickly dressed, noticing my shirt from last night was missing, making me grin stupidly while I grabbed my cut. My grin soon wipes though when I see Star's bracelet I gave her when she was only ten.

What the fuck?

I quickly grab it, putting it in my pocket, intending to put it back on her fucking wrist where it belongs, before rushing out of my room and heading to church, where Dead Shot and I arrive at the same time.

He looks just as confused as I do.

"Axe, is this going to take long? I need to call Star." I need her to know she's mine and I'm hers. We're doing this now; last night just cemented it.

He shakes his head. "She's gone; you won't find her. Last night was her saying goodbye."

I freeze.Gone?

"What do you mean, son?"

He messes with the computer before switching on the screen, and my face pales when I see the footage of me walking off with Ginger, my arm wrapped around her, while Star looks ready to fall apart two fucking weeks ago. My head soon shoots his way though when he uses my given name.

"Brace yourselves, especially you, Zayne." He clears his throat. "She said Hairy said hello."

"Hairy? As in the Devil's VP?" He nods to his father's question, but his eyes remain on me while I look at him in complete confusion until his next statement, and I instantly want to fucking vomit.

"Killer's cousin." The fucker who sold laced cocaine to our dancers and I burned him alive

Axel plays the footage while my heart pounds.

We watch as tears start to fall down her cheeks while I stupidly fucking walk off without even looking back. Pain shoots through me as we watch as she gathers her belongings before heading to the ladies, making Axel switch cameras. We see a hand come outfrom around the corner near the fire exit and grab her roughly, putting his hand over her mouth and then dragging her out of view.

I hear Dead Shot gasp while Axel's eyes tear up, but I shake my head. No, no, no.

"No, she wasn't; I know she wasn't." Axe sighs, but I'm adamant, especially after the fucking blood this morning. "No, Logan, she wasn't; she was a virgin; I took her virginity last night."

He looks at me, confused. "She told me she was raped."

He switches the camera in time to see the fucker shove her to the floor, making sure her face digs into the concrete ground while smirking at the camera. He whispers his message into her ear. Then we watch in horror as she tries to fight to get away from him, trying to put her legs flat on the ground as he pushes her skirt up.

No, fucking no, it didn't fucking happen; it didn't. My heart feels ready to explode as I grip my hair.
