Page 3 of The Orc Queen

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“Don’t worry, little human, it’s only when the men are away and it’s just the females.”

I let out a small breath of relief. In all honesty, I don’t know what I would have done if they were naked all the time.

“So, Igor…”

My head turns to her fully and I see her drift off. This doesn’t look like a comfortable topic for her. “He really lives, and you are his mate?” She sounds like what I’m saying is impossible, or improbable or…concerning? I am not sure which part though, whether it's the fact that its Igor or that he has a mate.

“Yes, he does. And yes, I am.”

“Hm,” she says.

“Why, what’s wrong? Is that a bad thing?” I hope she answers me honestly.

She shakes her head. “It isn’t for me to speak on the lost one.”

I frown.

“The lost one? Igor is the lost one?” I may not be from this realm but that doesn’t sound good.

She looks away from me as if she has said something she wasn’t supposed to. She darts her gaze to the door and licks her tusks again. “I…I should get back outside.”

I stand up because I am not entirely sure I would like to remain alone in a foreign place.


“I’m sorry, you need to wait for the Queen to return.” She gets to the door. “Good luck.”

Then she is gone. I am left standing there almost gawking behind her.

Okay, that went down terribly and weirdly.

The lost one.

What does that mean? Does it mean they thought Igor was lost? That maybe he would never return. Lost to his community? Lost to what? I want to go out there and demand Mulan tell me everything she is hiding. And that ‘good luck’ at the end isn’t doing anything to ease my nerves that are already on high alert.

I rub my belly when my babies kick.

“You are home, my little orcs.” I exhale loudly. “I just hope this is a good thing.”

This has to be better, right? At least no one is chasing me, right?

I sit down and try to focus on my stomach and not so much on the animal parts scattered around the room that are not doing anything to quail my unease.

Chapter two



Twohoursorsopass before I hear heavy footsteps stomping in the main corridor.

They remind me of Shepherd's heavy footsteps when he came to give me my accusations at the cell. Though this is that times three.

The steps are as menacing as they are sure. Or maybe it’s the cave making everything sound more pronounced. I hear voices as they get closer, but I can’t make out anything being said.

I look down at myself and straighten the dress I’m wearing. The dress I’ve been wearing for two days. Two days I’ve spent without a bath. No wonder those orcs were sniffing the air, I probably smell like a dying rat.

I contemplate whether to remain seated or stand. What is more acceptable in orc land? Should I stand maybe to show I am ready for whoever that is, or should I sit to show my submission and my meek intentions?
