Page 4 of The Orc Queen

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It is too late.

Mulan enters the room first then a bigger female orc in thick – again, I hope it’s animal – skin covering her shoulders like a coat, and laying underneath something like armor, but it doesn’t clink like iron.

If I thought the other females were big, they are nothing compared to this orc. She is even bigger than Azula, but still a little smaller than Igor. Two male orcs fall behind her, but they are not by any means smaller in size, and one is taller.

On instinct, I rise to my feet. All their gazes fall immediately to my belly.

“Queen Masa, this is the human who claims to be the mate of the lost one.” Mulan says.

Igor’s mother?

The two males scoff, but Masa considers me. She appraises me up and down, not looking impressed or pleased.

“Is this true, human?” Her voice is full of authority, and it is the deepest female voice I have ever heard.

I nod quickly. “Yes, I am.”

“Where is Igor and why did he send you here alone?”

That sounds like an accusation more than it’s a question. I am split. Do I tell her my whole life story or just the highlights? Either way, my answers will breed more questions.

“He said he was right behind me, and he was in the middle of a battle.”

“Battle? Is he a fugitive of your realms law?” She asks.

Another accusation. But this time I know whatever answer I give it will be bad. We are fugitives of the law, but I feel like it will be bad if I say yes too.

“I am.”

They seem surprised.

“What are your crimes?”

“Mating with Igor.”

One of the male orcs chuckles. “You may be a brave one after all.” He says, approaching the large round container in the corner with a small sack I hadn’t seen before.

Masa looks me up and down, I can see she isn’t convinced yet.

“Mulan, fetch Soni and tell her to prepare to be at the assembly after lunch.” Masa doesn’t take her gaze from me.

I feel Mulan’s nervous energy without seeing it as I continue to hold Masa’s gaze. Mulan sprints out of the room and I am left with three intense orcs who don’t look like they like me or want to like me at all.

Masa moves around the table and takes her seat on the bone chair.Of course, someone like her would sit in a bone chair.

I remind myself; this is Igor’s actual mother. I mean, I didn’t think I’d get hugs and trumpets welcoming me, but I didn’t think I’d get…this.

“Zod, take her to Hani.” She opens a drawer takes out a round shaped container.

“Come, human.” The other male orc says to me, and he turns and goes. It takes me a second to snap out of myself and follow him when I realize he won’t escort me like a lady.

I quicken my steps as I try to catch up with his long strides. He cares nothing for the fact that I am pregnant or that I am human and may need him to walk a little slower.

He takes a right and we go to the direction where we originally came. We exit out the entrance and pass what seems to be a well in the center of this vast space. I hadn’t noticed that before.

Only the children are still running around naked; the female orcs are now in very short pieces of clothing. Igor was right, they are not a people who love clothes. Most of the skirts by the females don’t go beyond mid-thigh.

But it seems the older the female, the more clothes they wear. One of the older females has a skirt that goes to her knees. But the rest of her wrinkled skin is out for everyone to see, and no one notices or minds.
