Page 32 of The Orc Queen

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We are at war and everything we do and say is going to have to be careful. These orcs are counting on Igor to fail, for him to go back to his old ways and mess everything up.

Do they want to banish him again? Maybe something worse this time? He makes them nervous, I see that, but it is hard for me to see what they see.

I see now coming back here may have been great for the moment, but our life is going to get more difficult.

“Good. Zod will brief you on the rest of the situation at the border.” Gremlo says then stands up. Igor’s mother, another female orc and Hani stand up next. “Welcome home once more, nephew. And congratulations on your mate and coming children.” He says like he is just passing words he has to speak. No emotion or fondness behind them.

Igor rises next and he offers me his hand and I take it and rise.

“We will see you in the afternoon.” Gremlo nods and Igor nods too, tightly. The wives walk out after Gremlo in a line. I notice Igor’s mother was first, and Hani is last. I turn back to the room.

“Welcome back, cousin.” One of the males says with a grin. “I still need you to tell me how you tricked this ethereal being to be yours. I may need to cross the barrier to take one for myself too.”

“Agreed, brother. Maybe we have been looking for mates in the wrong tribe.” The one next to him says.

“Like human women would agree to mate with you. Do you see yourselves?” Zod says in disdain. And the room laughs. So does Igor.

“A hundred years and you still aren’t funny, Kaja.” Igor says.

“You used to laugh at my jokes, Imp.” The one I think is Kaja says.

Igor looks at me. “This is Kaja, his brother Faz, you’ve met the little ingrain Zod and Todo, and that is Hergo, the only decent one and also the oldest. They are all my uncle’s sons from his first mate.” He says.

“Pleasure to meet all of you,” I say with a small, hopefully polite-looking smile.

Kaja returns it with too many teeth and all his tusks.

“Kaja…” Igor warns.

He just laughs. “Come on, cousin. I will not snatch her from your grasp.”

“I will see you in the afternoon. Me and Aria have to go to my old dwelling.” He starts going.

“I will ask Nani to come help as well.” The one they call Faz says.

Igor nods. My eyes don’t fail to notice Azula is quiet. Too quiet for all the mouth she always has on her when the males aren’t around. Then we walk out.

We walk to the end of the corridor. It is a longer passage than I realized. At the end of it, there is only one corridor to the right and we take that. The corridor isn’t lit so Igor takes a lamp, and we walk the passage to two large and high double doors. They are bigger than other doors I’ve seen indoors. This place looks secluded too.

The doors are secured with chains. Igor hands me the lamp then proceeds to break them. He walks in first. There are a lot of spider webs, and I jump when one runs out. It is dusty. I close my nose as I walk in. The windows are very dirty.

“Well, dusty was one way to put it.” I say as I walk behind him. Most of the furniture looks ancient and unlike all the furniture I’ve seen here. But some of it looks to only need cleaning. We need to change a lot.

“Everything needs to go.” He says as he pulls me to a beaded curtain that seems to be leading to a passage. The place is properly lit because it has large windows, and it looks like it was made to have as much light streaming in as possible. I like that most about it.

We see the kitchen, the bedrooms, the washrooms, and all the other rooms. The bathtubs are all in pristine condition, it’s just the wooden furniture that needs maybe painting, cleaning or replacing.

“What do you think?” He asks when we return to the main room, a spacious front room with a lot of potential. My mind starts placing everything I want it to be.

“I think I need to speak to Hani. We need a lot of plants.” I say and he smiles.

“You like it?” He asks with his hands on my hips.

“I love it.” I answer honestly. It feels like a step in the right direction. And it is more than enough space for us and the babies.

“I’m happy you do.” He kisses my temple before he hugs me. “Just the beginning, my Queen.”

My heart smiles. He takes me out when I start sneezing.

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