Page 65 of The Orc Queen

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So that’s where Zod has been disappearing to. He was going to my realm. It makes my mind land on others I care for still in that realm. My mother, my sister, and my brother and his family. And even though I turned my back on them, I still have to wonder about my father and his wife too.

“Do you know what happened to my brother?” I ask, my throat getting tight. I realize I may not want to know. If it’s bad, how will I handle it? I didn’t even meet my niece.

Her hand covers mine, “He escaped with his family the day before your execution. He found refuge in the Obu Kingdom.”

A mixture of relief and resentment fills me. Though I do not fault him for looking out for his family, but he wouldn’t be bothered to come to my aid when I was suffering. It seems our relationship was meant to be one of estrangement.

Maybe I should make peace with this reality. I don’t wish him ill and maybe someday he may remember me as his kin, but perhaps I should take from his example and worry about those who worry for me. Like my mother and my sister.

“My mother and the wolf, were they ever found?”

“I don’t think the wolf was ever found. I thought your mother died long ago.” She says.

“Apparently she lives.” When she just looks at me with question, I ask, “My father and stepmother?” It feels obligatory to ask. I don’t know how much I want to know about them.

Hannah shifts a little uncomfortably and my mind goes to the worst.

“They are…servants in the palace.”

“Servants? He didn’t kill them?” My voice sounds more forceful, pitchier than I mean. Why would he not kill them and more than that, keep them close to him?

She shakes her head. “He needed people to fill the staff of the palace after all the executions and apparently, since he couldn’t get to you, they were his next best option. At least that’s what Solomon said. He was still a guard after I stopped going.”

That is a lot to process. Not that I feel any sorry for them, but that doesn’t mean they should suffer at his hand. I sit there for a few long minutes placing one thought on top of the other, trying to understand and wrap my head around the mess that’s back there. I need Igor to come back. We have things to discuss. I want to know what he thinks.

“Okay, enough of that. Let me make you tea. I’m sure Mulan is itching to ask you somethings.” I say as I get on my feet, and I offer her my hand. She looks to be recoiling into herself. Perhaps she is wary of strange orcs. And she has only been in the company of Nani and Zod.

Zod. I have so many things to ask him. Why he saved Hannah. What he was doing back in my realm. Why he never told anyone. Why the secrecy. Why hide Hannah from me? Again, why Hannah? Does he know she used to be my assist in the palace or it’s just coincidence? So many questions.

“They are wonderful orcs. They will not pry if you don’t want to talk but you can’t stay here forever.” I try to reassure her.

Her eyes dart to the floor. “I can’t leave, Queen. Zod said I mustn’t. He will be…upset if I do.”

“He said you mustn’t leave his room?”

“Mostly, yes. He said other orcs will catch my scent and then we’ll get in trouble.” She says worriedly.

I consider her words. She is correct, other orcs may catch her foreign scent. But she also can’t stay here.

“Let me make you tea at least.” I say.

She doesn’t look comfortable with that. “No, I will ask Nani to make me a cup. You don’t have to.”

“I am not your Queen anymore, Hannah. I would like to be your friend instead. Perhaps we can start over?”

Her beautiful, innocent hazel eyes meet mine and she nods after a few moments of consideration.

“Let me place a pot for you then, I’ll be back.” I head for the door. I sigh as I exit, I didn’t know this was something I needed. Human contact. We haven’t spoken about anything joyous, but I feel better.

I find Mulan, Nani, and Hani in the kitchen. “When did you get here?” I ask.

“Where’s the human?” Hani asks with too much enthusiasm.

I roll my eyes. “She is a little shaken so you will need to hold it a bit. I don’t think she’s ready for all of…this.” I wiggle my index to her body.

She rolls her eyes. “Let me bring her the tea. You making her tea, right?”

“I am making her tea.” I place the pot on the already hot stove.
