Page 66 of The Orc Queen

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I turn to the orcs who are waiting on bated breath for something.

“How do you know her?” Mulan asks.

“She used to work in the palace.”

“She doesn’t talk much, does she?” Nani asks and I chuckle.

“She is reserved, yes. That’s why you need to give her air to breathe.” I say.

Hani looks around. “But she can’t stay here. All alone.”

“She can’t go. Apparently, Zod said so. There’s also the risk of your people and their long noses.” I gesture to all of them.

“That’s true.” Mulan says.

“Perhaps we can smuggle her in the deep night?” Hani suggests.

“To where? At least here most the males are gone and hardly many come around. Zod was right, it is better here than…anywhere else. Plus, are you prepared to deal with Masa on the issue?” I ask.

“Your dwelling is safest.” Hani suggests boldly.

“I agree.” Mulan says.

“So, I don’t get a say?” I ask.

“Your quarters are the most secluded, only we and the old orcs go there, and I doubt they would tell anyone. Especially if we tell them she is Zod’s. They have a fatal soft spot for him.” Hani says.

“She is not Zod’s.” I protest on Hannah’s behalf. He saved her life, but I doubt that orc is interested in human women. Though he seems to be just as disinterested in female orcs as well. He just always seems to be in his head, on his own mission that he barely takes notice of all the flirting young females.

“We’ll see.” Hani wiggles her eyebrows.

That decided, I take the tea to Hannah. And after asking her, the others join.

They are respectful and they don’t bombard her with many questions other than who she is and general stuff about clothes and shoes.

Although she is hesitant at first, she finally concedes letting us take her to my quarters. We do it in the dead of the night. Lucky for us this part of the dwellings doesn’t have many orcs. Those who remained behind, are guarding the gate, monitoring the top and outside to make sure we are protected from all threats.

I settle Hannah in one of our spare bedrooms. The next few days she starts stiff, but she soon gets a little comfortable with the female orcs. Nani also joins our little group and on the days I have to eat with Owa, I go to them. But overall, I couldn’t be happier she is here.

Chapter twenty-six

You Promised Me


Inthelaterdays,after gathering my courage, and long talks by the women, including Owa, I finally pack a basket of treats and I go do what I have meant to do for a while.

“You will be fine, Aria,” Hannah says, her tea in hand. It is just me and her this day. The others had other things to do. Hani is with Gremlo and Mulan is cleaning Hergo’s quarters. Apparently, she just does it because they are friends, nothing more is going on. Something none of us believe. And though Hergo is not very talkative like his brothers, he is a decent orc and Igor speaks highly of him.

I bite my lip. “You haven’t met her. She’s a little tense.”

“I used to think you were a little tense too, but that wasn’t true.” Hannah says with a small sly smile.

“You used to think I was tense? Why?”

“You were always so serious. Reading, writing. You barely heard my knocks most days. And you hardly smiled.”

“It was the tight corsets you used to almost kill me with.” We both laugh.
