Page 93 of The Orc Queen

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I finally exhale.

It is done.

I don’t know how long I stand there looking at the two bodies of my fallen enemies, but a sense of peace washes over me. I have avenged my mate and my children.

“The new King of the Gango Kingdom!” the old man announces loudly, pulling me out of my thoughts violently.

There is a confused quiet at first before panicked murmurs rise.

I walk to the minister.

“I am no King here.” I refute strongly.

“According to the law, if you defeat a sitting King in challenge, you become King.” He explains, his head lowered in…submission?

The rest of the council and the Prime Minister rise with him as if practiced. Then they kneel together. It takes a moment but everyone else bends their knee. I am not fooled that it is voluntarily, it is fear. I stand there in the arena looking at all these insane people who just made me King.

Me? King?


King of the Gango kingdom?


Chapter thirty-five

The Goddess Odala


Ithasbeenafull day since Igor left for the human realm and he isn’t back. I am beyond worried. I can’t help thinking about all the bad things that have happened when he has left me for some time.

The fact that he said he would be back yesterday and he hasn’t been back worries me. My mind can’t stop galloping, making all manner of scenarios in my head.

What could be keeping him there?

What if they captured him again?

My mother. Luna.

Did he not find them? Are they alive? What if Shamus got to them and did the unthinkable?

My heart rate has been high all night, overthinking, waiting and he hasn’t come back. I couldn’t get any shut eye either and even Hannah’s presence here isn’t helping.

I pad to the window again. The sun still hasn’t moved since I last checked it five minutes ago.

“Here’s your tea, Aria.” Hannah’s gentle voice mutters.

I don’t want any tea, but I couldn't protest when she offered to make it for the fifth time today.

“Thank you.” I pad back to the sitting area even though I have a lot of nervous energy and I just want to keep moving.

“Owa says it will be good to calm you down.”

I take the cup in my hand when I sit. I know they all mean me health. And this is a critical time in this pregnancy. I need to keep myself relaxed as much as possible. I know. But I can’t stop myself from worrying.

The door bursts open and Nani barrels in. “They are back!”
