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“I know.” And that was what they had been doing for years.

“We shouldn’t have pushed you. God, Jane. That had to bring up so many memories.” His jaw clenched under his skin after the last word. “We should have been there for you, protecting you from that bastard.” Silence stretched between them, and she didn’t correct him that there was no way they could have protected her or her mother. They were just kids themselves.

He didn’t say anything else, just pulled her to him and held her. She wanted to tell him that they hadn’t pushed her, that being with them was just what she needed. Telling them everything had opened up something inside her. Maybe things would be different now. Maybe she could finally get rid of the edginess that she felt whenever she closed her eyes and lay in the dark.

“Everything will be okay, baby. Will and I will make sure of it.”

Chapter 16

Jane carried the last covered dish from her beater inside the church. A week had passed since the first time she had been with Rys and William, and to say they had been inseparable before was an understatement for how they were acting now. It wasn’t just about the sex though, although that was incredible each and every time. Sometimes, it was with both of them; others, it was just her and one of the brothers.

There was no jealousy between them when it came to her, and for that she was thankful. In all honesty, if they gave her an ultimatum between the two of them, there was no way she would be able to choose. That might be selfish, but she couldn’t see herself with only one Holden twin. She loved them equally and so, so much.

When she walked into the church, people were milling around, setting up their tables for the weekend bake sale and flea market. It was an every-week kind of thing, and Jane was glad her mother could participate in something she loved doing, and that was cooking for people. Some people in their town treated them like shit, because they were poor and didn’t live in the nicest house, but not all of Ecstasy was like that.

The people surrounding her right now were just a handful of the ones who opened up their hearts and homes to her and her mother after they found out what Charles Silver did to them. Her mother, being too proud to accept a handout, wanted to get on with her life and put the past behind her. For as long as she could remember, her mother had been participating in these bake sales, and when Jane’s dad finally left, she became a member of the organization committee. Now she got to sell her famous pies and help plan events that made her feel like she was accomplishing something.

There might be people who looked down on them, but even they couldn't deny that her mother’s baked goods were incredible.

“Over here, darling.” Her mother waved Jane over to a small table off to the side. There was a purple tablecloth with lilacs printed on it, and Jane knew under that material was a chipped and rickety old table that had been sitting in their backyard for God knows how long. Her mother’s desserts were raved about in their town, and she made quite a bit of money.

Of course, it wasn’t anything they could live lavishly on, but it was enough to buy her ingredients for these sales and help with the bills. The rest was up to Jane. Looking at her watch, she saw she had about twenty minutes before she had to head to work.

“Hey, Mama.” Jane set the brownies on the table and scanned all the dishes. There were about twenty-five different cakes, pies, and cookies. Some were individually wrapped. Others were the whole dessert. “These look so good.”

“Thanks, darling.” Her mother set a vase off to the side, the glass overflowing with wildflowers Jane knew her mother had picked behind their house.

“I better get going. I have to be at work, and I’m pulling a double.” That seemed to be her life recently, although she did make sure to take at least a day off during the week to recharge. She was busting her ass working doubles just so she had enough money. Her mother’s baked goods brought in enough money to help pay the bills, but she refused to have her mom work any harder. Jane didn't mind working the extra hours, especially if it allowed her mom to relax. She had spent her whole life trying to make sure Jane had a good life, and now that Jane could return the help, she planned on doing it.

Of course Rys and William didn’t like her working so hard, but she refused the help they were so willing to give her. She would make it on her own. She had relied on them for so long, and she refused to let them pay her and her mother’s way. They might have demanded to help her, which made her laugh, but she just couldn’t. She didn’t doubt they could afford it.

They were the best at what they did, and the homes and buildings around town proved it, but she was an adult and could do this on her own. Had to do this on her own.

“Here, honey.” Her mom turned around and grabbed a little brown paper bag. She handed it to Jane with a smile on her face.

“Really, Mom?” Although Jane sounded exasperated, she couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. Jane knew there would be several goodies inside. “Thanks.” Her mother made her way around the table and wrapped her arms around her. Jane might be a grown adult, but she could appreciate her mom taking care of her.

She said goodbye, leaving the car with her mother at the church, and made her way down Main Street toward Slick’s. It wasn’t even eight yet and already the sun was blazing. She stopped at the corner of Main and Edgewater. Staring at the little man that forbids people to walk, she smoothed her hands down the required cheesy uniform. Old and rusty pickups passed, and the occasional Cadillac the older residents of Ecstasy owned drove through town.

Given that it was early on Saturday morning, the streets weren’t busy yet, but soon that would change as businesses opened up. The little man finally gave her permission to cross, and she made her way across the crosswalk, her attention diverted to her purse. The sound of rubber squealing got her attention. The first thing she saw was Trevor’s red car rounding the corner at a ridiculous speed. The second thing was that, if she didn’t get the fuck out of the way, he was going to run her over. Dropping her purse and jumping back, she felt the whoosh of wind whip by her and the heat of car exhaust skim her legs.

Her pulse pounded in her head as she realized she had barely missed being hit. He skidded to a stop, the smell of burning rubber causing her to wrinkle her nose in disgust.

He stuck his head out the window, a scowl on his face as he glared at her. “Watch the fuck where you’re going, bitch.” The sound of Missy’s shrill laughter came from the passenger side right before he sped off again.

She stood there, watching his muscle car speed off, not knowing what in the hell just happened.


The sound of someone calling her name had Jane turning to see Brody Jacobs, Ecstasy’s sheriff. He was in his cruiser at the stop sign, and when she didn’t respond, a strange look crossed his face.

“Hey, you okay?” He turned the car off and got out. In the next instant, his big, warm hand was on her shoulder. “Well shit, Jane. You’re white as hell. What’s wrong?” Brody was one of the people in town who didn’t discriminate against her for her background. She snapped out of her stunned haze and looked around. Brody standing beside her drew a few curious onlookers.

“I’m fine. I just—” Trevor’s car was long gone, and she wondered if he had seen her in the street. What if she hadn’t jumped out of the way? Remembering the disgusted look he gave her and the still present bruises Rys and William had given him made Jane shiver. He had looked like he wanted her dead. She looked into Brody’s deep-green eyes and saw honest concern in them. Maybe if she just told him what happened, that Trevor nearly ran her over, something could be done. She immediately disregarded that thought, seeing as none of the other pedestrians had admitted they saw Trevor break any laws.

Besides, she certainly didn’t want things to escalate between her and Trevor. He was livid about getting his ass kicked by the twins. If she instigated anything else, who knew what the hell he’d do?

“It’s fine. Everything is fine.” She didn’t wait for his reply, just looked both ways before sprinting across the street to Slick’s.
