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He was damaged in more ways than one, and he knew he could never have any hope of having a “normal” relationship with any female. The need to control pulsed inside of him. Thayer was another story. His brother was a good male and not scarred on the inside and out.

Deacon would have told him to take Jessa, show her the emotions that were clearly written on his face, but Deacon was a selfish bastard and couldn’t form the words to tell him that.

Shutting his bedroom door he shucked off his clothes and slipped into the bathroom. Steam from the scalding water filled the room and slicked his skin in dewy droplets.

The sting of the water felt like needles on his flesh, but he welcomed the discomfort. His dick was hard as steel, and he felt like a filthy asshole because of it.

When he had seen her standing in the dimly lit hallway, her hair the color of raven wings, spread out around her shoulders and slightly mussed from sleep, he knew if he didn’t take control now he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from claiming her.

Deacon closed his eyes and pictured her as he grabbed his cock. His shaft pulsed in his hand, the need to come driving him to drag his palm up and down the length as he pictured her.

Her eyes were the color of whiskey, like warmed amber. Incredibly long lashes framed those sensuous eyes, drawing him in deeper. They towered over most people, the animal within them making their muscle mass bigger and their height immense.

Jessa was smaller than most females, though, and therefore he felt like the damn Hulk next to her. All he wanted to do was draw her into his arms and make sure nothing ever harmed her.

Gripping his dick harder, he gritted his teeth as pain and pleasure slammed into him. Pins and needles started in the root of his cock and traveled up his spine.

Eyes closed, he pictured Jessa naked and needing him. He would lay her on his bed, her ankles in his hands as he pushed her legs back until they touched her chest.

She would be open for him, every part of her on display for his appraisal. Oh, she would be beautiful in every way possible, and he would devour her. His climax shot out of him, hitting the tile and causing him to brace his free hand on the wall to steady himself.

Despite the pleasure his orgasm delivered, he was still hard and aching for a certain small female, one just a few doors down from him. He knew she would accept him, had smelled her interest for not only him, but his brother as well.

The tangy sweetness of her arousal had hit him squarely in the chest and left him feeling off-balance. She wanted them, both of them. The temptation was strong, but Deacon’s strength surpassed any weakness that would have had him submitting.

He toweled off and slipped in bed naked. For several minutes he stared above him, watching the way the light from the moon moved across the ceiling.

The sun would be up in a few short hours, and although he didn’t require much sleep, it had been days since he had gotten any quality rest.

The random sex and run in the woods hadn’t tired him out, but maybe taking the edge off in the shower would allow him to close his eyes and sleep for a little while. He let his lids drift shut and forced his body to relax into the mattress.

Surprisingly he felt the tendrils of sleep start to filter around the edges of his subconscious.

The only problem was the image that wouldn’t leave his mind of Jessa withering beneath him in ecstasy.



Jessa woke to the smell of bacon. It was still early by the way the light from the sun bathed the room in a pinkish hue.

A look at the clock on the bedside table affirmed her belief.

Six in the morning.

She pushed herself up and sat on the edge of the bed, every part of her protesting. If possible she was even sorer then she had been last night. Her jeans and sweater felt like sandpaper on her flesh.

She made her way to the dresser and opened the drawer. She didn’t expect to find any clothes, but surprise filtered through her to see some white shirts and sweats. She grabbed a shirt and sweats and went into the bathroom.

Turning the light on illuminated the rustic looking facilities. The walls were stained pine, the smell of the rich wood refreshing. Thick slabs of tile covered the floor. They weren’t the shiny kind but the ones that were made to look worn.

It matched well with the feel of the cabin. A shower was positioned off to the side, and a small tub beside that.

Jessa undressed, making sure to keep her back to the mirror. She had no desire to see her body, especially knowing how it had looked yesterday right before she left Paul.

She wished she had some clean underwear and a bra, though. Maybe one of the guys would take her to her car? She could get her clothes and money and figure out how to get her car working.

The sweats were three sizes too big, and the shirt hung to her knees, but they were clean and comfortable, and at this point she didn’t care. She rolled the waistband of the sweats down until they stopped falling off her.

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