Page 98 of Mafia and Protector

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After a quick snuggle as we regained our breath, we got dressed and finished our run and once back at home, he took me again against the shower wall.



“One more push, Jessica! The baby’s nearly here,” urged Dr. Chiara.

Jessica was exhausted and overwhelmed. She’d been in labor for hours and hours now. My crushed hand could attest to that, but it was the least I could do for her while she went through this to give us a baby.

“I don’t know if I can. I’m so tired…”

“I’ve got you,” I said to Jess. “Just squeeze my hand however hard you want, and we’ll do it together.”

“On three, Jessica,” said the doctor.

And then she counted, and Jess pushed with all her might.

And we were rewarded by the sound of a loud cry, making my heart leap with joy. “You’ve got a beautiful baby boy, Mr. and Mrs. Santino,” announced the doctor.

Jessica collapsed back against her pillows. “You did it, Jess, you did it!” I exclaimed, kissing her on her mouth.

“No, we did it,” she whispered with a tired smile of relief on her face. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

The doctor settled the baby in Jess’s arms, and I held them both against me. I was so used to seeing the end of life. This was the first time I was seeing the beginning of life—and the feeling was indescribable.


Later, once Jess was showered and rested, I brought out a gift for the baby. For a few moments, I just let my gaze rest on my beautiful wife, who was tucked up in bed, cradling our baby son in her arms.

“I’ve got a present for Nicholas,” I said, holding out the toy I had bought.

“It’s the stuffed lion,” giggled Jess, recognizing the fluffy lion toy we had seen the first time we went shopping for baby things.

“Yes. I hope you don’t mind. I went back to the baby boutique and bought it.”

“He is really cute,” admitted Jess.

“Yes, it suits our son because he’s going to be as brave as a lion.”

“Of course he will be with you as his dad,” replied Jess.

“No,” I disagreed. “He’ll be brave because he’s got you as his mommy.”
