Page 101 of Binding Fate

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Ulbrick stepped aside. Alzerion’s nostrils flared. Seething with vengeance Alzerion shoved Ulbrick. He got back up and they circled one another like they were actually about to duel. Alzerion flung his hands out and muttered something. Ulbrick was smacked by a gust of air until he was forced against the one of the boulders in the field. Then Alzerion snapped his fingers and a sword flew into his hand as he pointed the blade at Ulbrick’s neck.

“You going to kill me, Alzerion?” Ulbrick taunted.

He wanted nothing more than to destroy him. That would make him happy. Something inside of him wouldn’t let him make that fatal blow.

“No, I’m not. Death would be too kind. You don’t deserve that. No, I think you’ll live out your days in a prison in the far Grimlands.”

“You can’t be serious,” Ulbrick’s eyes widened.

Alzerion glared at him. “I’m quite serious.” Alzerion looked around and saw Quairken. He had some scrapes and a gash on his head, but nothing that looked too serious.

“Quairken, I’m glad to see you.” They clasped hands. “Was Castro successful?”

Quairken whistled. Alzerion wanted to know what was going on, but didn’t want to accidentally break the enchantment that held Ulbrick. Alzerion waited. He saw the king, queen, his mother and Isabella walking towards them. “What are you doing down here?”

“It was a spell.” Queen Evalyn said.

“When Princess Aironell,” Isabella paused. “Well we were no longer stuck there.”

Alzerion stepped back as he held Ulbrick against the boulder with magic. Before he could say anything, Castro was spotted by another one of his soldiers. He was limping, but he had Warren, bound and gagged.

Alzerion turned back to Ulbrick. “You, Warren, and any rebel who lived will join you.”

“I will be honored to escort the prisoners,” Quairken bowed his head.

“I will help,” Castro added. Alzerion heard murmurs from his other soldiers that were okay to do the task.

Alzerion moved behind Ulbrick, grabbed his wrists and in an instant his wrists were tied together, tight. He grabbed him by the arm and handed him to Quairken.

Quairken and Castro moved the few prisoners when Alzerion ran over. “Wait.” He walked up to Ulbrick. “Turns out you were wrong. I did learn something.”

Ulbrick raised his eyebrows.

“I’m good. You’re evil. I guess I take after my mother.” Alzerion turned his back as he started toward his mother and the others. He craned his neck and said, “Good-bye. I hope you rot there…father.”

Alzerion saw Castro’s jaw drop. Quairken looked at Ulbrick and then back at Alzerion, and then shook his head.

Melinda Pulled Alzerion in for a hug. He knew what she wouldn’t say, not here. Still a tear fell from her eyes.

“Mother you alright?”

She cleared her throat. “I am. I’m so proud of you.” She placed her hand on his cheek. “I am finally mourning him. The man he used to be.” He followed her gaze to Ulbrick as he was being escorted away.

Alzerion turned to face the king, queen, his mother and Isabella.

“What?” He broke the silence.

“We just want you to know we are here for you,” Melinda said. “All of us. We are so sorry.”

Alzerion nodded, “I know. But there is much to do. Maybe for now we don’t talk about it.”

He headed back to the palace.



t felt like forever. Alzerion strolled through the hall. The maids were carrying trays of goodies. This celebration. It was a joke. He knew they were overdue. It had been three weeks.Three weeks, he sighed. He kept busy magically fixing the field in front of the palace and by the barracks.
