Page 41 of Binding Fate

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“Who’s Alzerion or what is that?” Airon asked as she stood in the doorway of the living room with arms folded across her chest.

“Oh, darling, you startled me,” Isabella said as her hand clutched the shirt up against her heart.

“I’m sorry. I just got home and I heard you. But who is Alzerion? I’ve never heard that name.”

Isabella and Quairken’s gaze kept shifting from each other and then back to Airon. Isabella motioned to the couch, and Airon sat down between them.

“Well,” Isabella hesitated. “In order to tell you that, we have much to discuss first.”

“Alright, but you are starting to scare me. Mother, what’s wrong?” Her eyes drooped in as she listened.

“The thing is,” Daniel added. Airon looked over to him. He fiddled with his wedding ring, “Alzerion is a dear friend of ours. There is so much that you don’t know.”

“Please tell me. I’m not understanding.” She whipped her head from her father and then her mother. Waiting for one of them to start making sense.

Isabella gulped. But she broke the silence. “Airon, Alzerion is … Alex.”

“Alex? Alex who? Wait, you don’t mean—”

Isabella smiled, nodded, and pointed to the half-heart necklace around her neck. Airon looked down at the necklace. She felt the cool metal against her skin. Airon just stared, between blinks.

“He gave you the necklace,” Isabella spoke with such calm.It was unsettling, Airon thought.

Airon glanced back down, pulled on the silver chain around her neck, and smoothed her fingers over her necklace.Could it be?

“No.” She shook her head. “Alex gave it to me, not some guy named Alzerion. Alex!” She stood up and started pacing in front of the couch. “It was Alex, yeah.” Her head bobbing as she moved.

“Sweet pea, his real name is Alzerion,” replied Daniel. “I know this must be difficult but we have so much to explain.”

Airon halted. She was trying to soak it all in; but something was off. This didn’t make sense.Why would he have gone by another name? What was she missing?Airon’s hands graced the sides of her temples, and her fingers pressed, firmly, as if she was trying to will the pieces together.

“What he means is, that there is a lot that you don’t understand. Things are not as they seem. We had to protect you from the evil that wanted you dead.”

Dead. “Hold on,” Airon’s hands stretched in front of her like she was putting up a barrier. “What evil? Protect me?” She stared at them with raised brows. She took long slow breaths. Airon leaned forward, with hands on her knees, as she steadied her breathing. Then she stared back.

“There’s so much that even we don’t know about. I’m sorry but it was our duty, our job, to raise you to—”

“Wha-what does that m-mean?” Airon continued as she gripped her arms together, tight; like the weight of it all was crashing in on her.

“What she means is that we are not your parents. My name isn’t Daniel. It’s Quairken.” He swallowed. “I’m a soldier where we come from.”

Airon continued to stare. Lower jaw slowly buckling, trembling but making every attempt to hold firm. She could not believe her ears. Again, she started pacing back and forth in front of them. She bit her lip to choke back the tears.How could this be?They lied to me about everything. Why?

“Then who are you?” Airon gave a cold look to the woman she thought was her mother.

“Isabella. We are sorry for all of this. We love you, Airon. But there’s more we have to tell you.”

“More? How could there possibly be more?” Airon was slowly gaining her voice back. Then she let out an audible breath, as her hand splayed across her chest.

“Airon is not your name,” Quairken said. “It’s Princess Aironell of Bachusa.”

Aironell stood, still. Unmoved. After what felt like an eternity, she took a breath and slowly sat down in a chair across from them, sagging into it. So many thoughts. Questions. Feelings.

She fought back the tears of anger and let her eyes bore into them. “Why?”

“What do you mean?” Isabella gulped. She shifted in her seat.

“Why did they get rid of me? Didn’t they want me? Didn’t they, love me?”
