Page 72 of Binding Fate

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She cleared her throat. “Francisco. We-we have to tell Aironell.”

His gaze darted up as he starred right at her. “Do we? Do you want to put that burden on her shoulders? I-I-I almost forgot about it. I mean we could just —forget.”

She tilted her head and gazed at him.She knew how tired he was of all of it. She knew what they have endured. No, she couldn’t do that.

“Francisco, we can’t keep this from her. She wouldneverforgive us.”

There was a flash of pain mixed with anger in his gaze. He stood up, pacing. He didn’t stop. He just kept going back and forth, in that open space. She closed the book and placed it on that little table and strolled over to him. she stopped right in front of him as he turned to pace, again.


“Don’t.” He held his hand up. Her body moved back, instinctively.

“I don’t like it but you’re right.” His hands rubbed at his temples. “She wouldn’t trust us if we kept something like that from her.”

The queen nodded.

“So, when should we tell her?”

Queen Evalyn placed her hand over his heart, gently. He grabbed her other hand and placed a tender kiss on it.

“Why don’t we do it after breakfast.”

He nodded.

* * *

Alzerion stared out his window. He gazed as the raindrops continued to fall making giant puddles in the dirt. He shook his head as he walked toward the middle of his room, beaming. He pulled on his dark blue jeans and then sat on the edge of his bed as he took care of his boots. He pulled on his undershirt, then stood, as he slipped his arms through his black long sleeve top. Almost done, he thought. He grabbed the black tie and adjusted it until it laid handsomely between his black shirt and undershirt.

He looked himself over, satisfied, he ran his hands through his hair. His hands pressed against his lips. He smirked. Many memories that hoped he’d never forget about. He licked his lips and left his room. He walked across East Wing corridor until he got to Aironell’s room. He took a slow, deep breath and then opened her door. He saw her nestled under her blankets. She was so beautiful, even while she slept. He closed the door and walked so quietly he could have been part feline. He grazed his fingers against one of her curls and watched it spring back.

Unsure as to the best course of action, he pulled her blanket down on one side, and slowly crawled into bed beside her. He laid on his side, watching her. He hoped she wouldn’t think him a stalker. He loved how peaceful she looked. He took his hand and lightly brushed it against her cheek. Aironell moved her legs, and her shoulder rose. He withdrew his hand and steadied it against his chest. Aironell’s long lashes started to flutter. Then her sparkly cerulean blue eyes opened, slowly. She blinked, twice. Alzerion just grinned, wide.

“Morning.” He whispered.

Aironell rubbed at her eyes and then squeezed the back of her neck. “Good morning,” she said.

“I didn’t mean to wake you, honest.”

“I know, cutie,” Aironell grinned as her fingernails trailed a path from his tie to the middle of his chest. He tried not to focus on her touch.

“Cutie, huh?” He winked. He grabbed that hand that was gliding against his chest and he spotted the bracelet. His eyes fixed on the little trinket.

“I never take it off or the necklace.” Aironell laid her other hand against the necklace.

Alzerion gazed into her eyes. “That means more than you know.” He touched the metal of her necklace with the tips of his fingers.

Aironell grasped his hand and squeezed. “I love it.” Her eyes didn’t yield. There was no sign of wavering.

He gulped.

“When you gave it to me, I felt so special. Then, as I got older, I didn’t see you again.” Her voice cracked.

“Aironell, I-I’m very sorry,” he admitted as he squeezed her hand a bit. “That was hard for me. It wasn’t safe for me to come around again.”

Aironell tilted her head toward him. “I use to worry about what happened to you. On my dark days, I even wondered what kind of person would… lie.”

He sat up and looked down at her. Speechless. He felt this tightening in his chest. “Aironell.” His voice was so low. He couldn’t even begin to explain himself. Alzerion looked away. He felt ashamed. Then there was this warm, soft touch on his lower arm. His eyes darted back at Aironell.
