Page 73 of Binding Fate

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“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring back painful memories.” Aironell sat up and then bit her bottom lip. Her hands laid on her lap.

He tried to turn off his guilt. It would be easy to do, especially if she kept biting that lip of hers. It was drawing his attention to her perfectly shaped mouth. He took a breath. Lately, he couldn’t stop thinking about her in ways that kind of worried him. He was being too free when it came to her.To heck with it, he thought. Alzerion grasped her hands, brought them to his mouth, and kissed them, so soft. Then he started to graze her one arm with his mouth.

She giggled. “Alzerion that tickles.”

“Oh?” He cocked an eyebrow. He saw the cute display of a faint blush. He loved how her mouth twisted into a smile, loved the way she toyed with words,ugh, he even loved that ‘come and get me’ look. He had to be smart.Hell, wasn’t it a little too late for that? He felt a trembling in his hands. He pulled at his fingers to try and keep it at bay. It was no use. He knew it deep down, that he either left her room right now or-or—

Aironell slid closer as she blinked at him.No, it was too late. There was no leaving. No turning back. He didn’t just want to be near her, to let her gaze upon him; no, he wanted her.His left hand cupped the back of her head as it moved her face closer, much, much closer. He gulped. He felt this dryness in his mouth, like he was thirsty. Ravenously thirsty and she was the only thing to quench it. He pressed his head against hers. Eyes lost in the other. He almost jumped when he felt her fingers. They danced along the ripples of his biceps. Thank goodness for his shirt. It helped to mask some of the feeling.

“Alzerion,” her voice was so soft. The steam from her breath whacked his nose.Where should he start?His hands cascaded down her curls, so light and soft.She smelled of lavender and honeysuckle. Mmmmm.

Aironell kept watching—waiting, as she continued to work her magic on his arms. Now was the moment to act. Alzerion gripped the bottom of her chin and gently nudged her up and closer. Aironell had this playful look in her eyes, which helped his nerve. As he was coaxing her closer, Aironell moved from a seated position to being on her knees. Then her hand moved and glided against his face. She started at his cheek and moved up. How odd, he thought. Her arms had wrapped around his neck and her fingers did evil things. The one hand played with his hair while the other, grazed the skin at the base of his neck.

Alzerion couldn’t take it. In one swift motion he pressed his lips to hers. It was one quick motion after another. His hands slid down her back, pressing her nearer. He sat on his knees, too, so that he could be even closer.Closer, ugh, that was all he wanted. He felt her body against him.

Aironell’s hands moved to his shoulders as she, too, pulled him in. This was no dress rehearsal. He didn’t waver this time, and neither did she, it seemed. His lips crashed into hers until he felt the quick stroke of her tongue. He wasn’t expecting that, not from her. He went with it.

It felt so freeing, like he was coming up for air— she was the air. The only thing he needed to keep breathing. It all felt too good, if that was possible. He controlled Aironell’s tongue by slowing down his kisses, then he looked deep into her eyes as he bit her bottom lip and pulled, just a bit. He did it once more, but this time Aironell pulled away and he felt her nose nuzzle the side of his neck. He closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the softness of her nose was replaced with a wetness from her mouth. He bit down on his lip, trying to maintain his composure. It was so hard. She worked her way up his neck until she got to his ear and nibbled. He felt the pressure of her teeth against them. He swore he could see stars. Feel every fiber of his being buzzing about.

In that moment, Aironell slid her hands onto his chest and pushed. He crumpled at her touch, falling flat on his back, on her bed. He used his arms to hold his torso up. She still knelt to the side of him. The look in her eyes was playful, indeed, like she was in a frenzy herself. He licked his bottom lip, slowly. Aironell grabbed two pillows and thrust them behind Alzerion, and he used them to prop his back up. Then he grabbed at her arms that hung above. Bending her closer until he craned his neck to kiss, but she pulled her head back and grinned, letting out a little chuckle.

She was evil.Aironell took her hands and grabbed a hold of his. He watched in wonder as she navigated his hands. They were forced to her knees, sliding her lace nightgown up, just enough that her knees were free. He gulped as he let his hands dance down her calf. Aironell held onto the fabric of her nightgown and placed her right leg on his other side as she scooted forward. His hands roamed back up her calves and grazed her lower back. She swallowed, hard, as she lowered her chest closer to him. Her head bent low as her hands and mouth slid across his chest. He sighed. There were no words, only actions—things he wanted. When Aironell’s head popped back up, he took a breath. He needed that reprieve. She still had that devilish grin.

“Wh-what,” he panted?

She mumbled something, again, he was unsure. He was certain she said something. Whatever it was he found out as she drew her left hand up into a fist. In an instant his black shirt and undershirt were in her hands. She tossed them to the side. His mouth gaped open—only his tie draped across his bare chest. Still staring, Aironell scooted so close to him that he felt her silky lace nightgown against his skin. Her cerulean-blue eyes gazed down at him as her fingers danced along the creases of his abdomen, slowly dancing up and around his chest. Wow, she mouthed.

He smirked.He was pleased that she was appreciating every muscle. Countless hours of training over many years, he…his thoughts trailed off as she placed her soft lips against his jaw. He took his arms from around her and pressed. Aironell crushed into him as she rubbed and kissed along his jawline. He was sure she could feel him gulping. He didn’t care. He grabbed her head to steady her. Then he pulled her face closer. He could feel this warmth wash over as he bit her top lip and again their lips crashed right into each other. The way waves crash against the shoreline. The heat intensified as each kiss quickened.

He was drowning—drowning in a sea of pleasure. The warmth spread across his body as he wrapped his arms around her and this time forced her back. She held onto him as he laid on top. He kept quickening as each kiss pressed deeper and deeper.Ugh—No. He grasped her fingers that slid against his thigh, and pushed against her. It forced himself to sit off to the side of her. He gulped, trying to steady his breathing.

Her eyes furrowed. “What was that for?” she took a breath. “I-I thought you were enjoying it.”

He took another deep breath. “Trust me, I was.” He nodded.

“Then why?” Aironell sounded a bit sad. She scratched at her chin. “Did, I do something wrong?”

It killed him that she thought that.

“Aironell,” he cleared his throat. He turned to face her more. His back was toward her door and the other side of the room.

“You were perfect,” he smirked. He wanted to reassure her. “It was—”

“Don’t,” she demanded. Her voice was stern. Serious with a bite of hurt. Her hands clenched against the sheet of the bed.

“What?” He asked.

“I don’t want to hear the old it’s not you but me, speech.”

Mouth gaped open he shook his head. He laughed.


“Aironell, I wasn’t going to say that.” He cleared his throat. “Sorry, it was a good laugh.”

Her stare was cold as her arms crossed in front of her like a barrier.
