Page 19 of Wolf Spell

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Sighing, she continued. “I take the blame for your discretions. But you’ll probably be expelled. Now tell me about Lycaon. I want to know everything.”

I doubted she’d want to know I’d shared my blood with him, so I left that part out. Or the fact that I felt so attracted to him. Bonded even. That his naked body took my breath away. I mean, there was another reason why they called him their alpha… No Elsa, concentrate! I could feel her eyes burning into me, so, instead I told her a lie about the magic I’d used to restore him. Her eyes narrowed, lips pressed tight together as her stern look said it all. I had expected her to launch into an attack, and a stiffness gripped my shoulders, waiting for it at any moment. Until last night, I’d only known her as caring, warm and encouraging.

“Did Marrock tell you of the poppet he found, with our coven’s insignia on it?”

“Pfft! Anyone could have placed that there, anyone from his pack trying to frame us. Another good reason that witches and werewolves don’t mix.”

“Why? Perhaps if I knew-”

Her voice rose, exasperated, “You don’t need to know why. You’ve been in the coven less than a year. You’re in no position to question. Look what happened to Lisa, do you want the same fate?” Shifting uneasily her stare fixed on me relentlessly, “I am worried about you, Elsa. You seem infatuated by these… these men. You should be looking for a mage, a man, a gentleman who will treat you like a lady, and introduce you to the right sort of families. If you’re lucky, you could, with your pretty looks and your skill, manage to marry into a middle-class family. Perhaps even send your children to the Academia of Necromantia? But, well… your chances aren’t good after last night. You’ll have no chance if you continue on the downward path, think about it.”

She huffed, “I know the allure of passion, I was young once, too. A rogue shifter, all that muscle. Striding about naked, savage, full of sex. And if that’s your thing, rutting with shifters, oh, I’m sure they’re virile enough. They’ll love you and leave you, and on to their next female conquest.” She shuddered, “And for what? A night or two of lust, and all you’ll have to show for it is a runt in your belly and outcast by them and your own kind. Is that what you want?”

She muttered, her eyes blazing into the fire which sparked, “I blame your mother. Your father tried to tell her. Where you get these revolting ideas, the Goddess only knows!”

I grimaced. But only for show. Thinking of Lycaon and Marrock naked, well we obviously didn’t see eye to eye.

I had to change the subject, “Who is this council? Witches?”

“Never you mind, young lady. The less you know the better. You should prepare for the worst. They’ll want to question you. You’ve broken every rule in the book. Do you understand?”

I didn’t answer. Getting up, I rubbed the head of Mollington, a long-haired ginger and white cat. Mollington stretched out, showing her belly. That made me smile.

“I have to get back to work, is that all?”


Her phone rang, and she leapt out of the chair, putting her cup down on the small glass coffee table beside her, pointing to me as she moved to the kitchen.

“We’re not done here.”

Moving to the mantlepiece, I stood in front of the hearth, the heat soothing my legs. On the ledge I noticed what looked like an invitation. Glancing over my shoulder, I checked to see if she was out of sight. Gold writing on a thick white card, I could feel, sense something unpleasant about it. Almost like an invisible string of power unleashed as I stared at it, it seemed to grip my fingers. Tempting me, pulling me towards it.


Something from the invitation seemed to be luring me to it. Or, ok, maybe I’m just nosey. But in my defence its energy felt malevolent. A second glance and I could hear her speaking in whispered tones, I edged it back using the tip of my chewed nail from the wax spilled bottle that it was placed behind. I didn’t want to touch it, its energy was unsettling, weird, but mainly because she’d know. Flicking it back, I caught a name… Adara.

There was a date and a name. The date was tomorrow, the name, Ellsworth Hall. Was this her counsel?

Moving away I grabbed my coat, perching on the arm of the sofa alongside the cats. My phone pinged.

Luna had messaged me. No more clients this afternoon. She could do my next appointment and I should take a few days off but stay in touch.

Distracted as she came back in, Mattie barely looked at me. “You’ll have to go, this will have to wait. Go to work then get home and lock the doors. Whatever that sinister force which Lisa and Nathan awoke by their monstrous union, it’s rampaging. By helping the wolves, you could be a target. Here, take this.”

She fished a pendant from her pocket. Glimmering, it was the symbol for the triple moon goddess. Thrusting it into my hands she said, “May the goddess watch over you. Prepare a spell, powerful with a hint of blood. Now go.”

“Mattie, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I was worried about Lisa, worried something bad had happened and…” I glanced at the cats.

“And what, spit it out Elsa! We’ve never had secrets before, you and I.”

I held her glance. “Obviously I know you’re highly competent, I didn’t want Lisa thrown out over a guy and I didn’t want anything to happen to you. I convinced Becca and Josey to go. I accept all the blame. Do you really think that violent entity is a result of Lisa and Nathan? I mean how?”

She chewed on her bottom lip as her eyes narrowed.

“Well that’s very noble of you Elsa, and I appreciate you taking the blame for your mistakes but it’s not enough. For whatever reason, you’ve poked the hornet's nest and now because of you this entity is out of control. Yes, it’s common knowledge that witches consorting with werewolves unleashes bad magic. Stay away from them, especially this Lycaon. The father of Lycans. And that bloody Marrock.” Shaking her head, she said, “If only your parents had had the good sense to send you to the academy, none of this would have happened.”

I bit my tongue. She knew why I hadn’t gone to the same school as everyone else. We weren’t that rich.
