Page 20 of Wolf Spell

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“Here, let me help you.”

I scooped up my hair as she leaned over and fastened the chain of the pendant.

“Now, stay home and stay safe. I may still just be able to save you.”

Standing back, a twinkle in her eye. “You have the makings of a fine, powerful witch, Elsa. Don’t chuck it all away for those two-faced mangy beasts! I can see already they’re sniffing around you like dogs in heat. You’re normally a good girl, if a little wild. Nothing we can’t change. A fine mage, and a bright future amongst your own could, if you’re very lucky, still be on the cards for you. So keep your door shut, and for the love of the goddess, your legs closed. Do you understand?”

I gave her a small nod. I didn’t argue. She wouldn’t have to worry though. I was staying with Hakon tonight and hunkering down.

Shuddering as the images from the night before flooded my mind, a sense of foreboding tugged at me, weighing me down.

No, I must be firm, I am safe. I’m a witch. I am powerful. And I’m most definitely not dating a werewolf. Not a rugged, rutting naked werewolf…

* * *

I pulled my coat tighter around me. The autumn wind bit at my fingers as I strode to my car, shivering. The light was fading, and I was grateful for the time off. I’d do another spell after I’d eaten and lit the fire. On that note, my stomach grumbled and I tried to think about cooking, but Lycaon’s face took over my mind. I hadn’t dated for ages. Let alone a werewolf. Aside from the fact it was, as Mattie reminded me, forbidden, werewolveswerevolatile. And they loved the pack life.

Me, I loved the coven but I also loved my alone time. The coven was something I stepped in and out of, I mean we didn’t share a house.

A pack… you lived alongside each other.

As I drove back, I could feel a burning sensation as if I was being watched. Glancing at other drivers, they seemed to catch my gaze, a darkness emanating from their eyes. Like the air had shifted and a sinister presence wrapped around me, around everyone, tightening its grip. It got heavier as I waited in traffic,the street lights flickering to life, and the misty rain clouded the fading light.

Finally I pulled up at home and checked my phone. Hakon had messaged me. Did I have any dinner suggestions, and breakfast?

He was cute though. If I didn’t know better…

I felt a slight easing in my shoulders being back home. Before getting out, I quietened my mind and stared at my small house. I couldn’t feel anything, from inside my car, the wards I’d set up seemed to be strong.

As for Hakon, I’d never spent the night at his house, but I knew enough that he was trustworthy. My body literally softened knowing I’d have one of the most powerful vampires at my side, but a part of me, a big part was sad, and knew that this spelled the end of my coven days. Short lived as they were.

Maybe Mattie was right. Josey and Becca’s lives were kind of mapped out. I’d been invited to their Halloween ball, which I knew was an honour. No one outside the Academy got an invitation. Obviously it was on Halloween and they assured me there would be plenty of eligible mages to date. We weren’t pressured to marry, it wasn’t the nineteenth century, but it was encouraged to settle down before the age of thirty years. Keep the blood lines strong and all that jazz.

Who am I kidding, it sounded like a cattle market and the fact I was reminded that,‘if I’m lucky’made me feel less than whole?

A warm rush of air washed over me as I opened my front door. I turned around, startled, as I heard the roar of an engine. A small, sleek green sports car pulled up alongside mine and Hakon stepped out, waving. Why so early?

“Hey love, don’t mind me. I’m early because there’s been, well, problems. I can wait out here if you like?”

“No, come in. I have some things to do though.”

Hereached into the car and pulled out a messenger bag which he slung over his body. Then strolling over with a sexy smile he said, “I can stay here if you’d rather. I just need a chair in a corner. I’ve already eaten, so no fear.”

“No, I only have one bed and you’re too old for sleeping in a chair. Think of your shoulders and my hands fixing them. I’ll be putting them right for weeks.”

“Ha. Well, it’s up to you.”

I closed and locked the door. “I’m getting a coffee, just sit where you want.”

“Cheers, love. You go do your stuff. I’ve brought my tablet to do some research. I’ll fill you in when you’re ready.”

Towering over me, he bent slightly and kissed my head. “Don’t worry, I'll keep you safe.”

“This feels... I appreciate it, Hakon. I’ve been your therapist for months now and I know we know the same people, but why? I don’t mean to sound rude, I’m just a bit surprised to have all this attention.”

Nodding he took off his bag and sat on the small sofa. Sighing he answered, “Austin and Luna speak highly of you. And you’re not just my therapist, I consider you a friend. This situation is far more perilous than you realise. It’s what I can do to help. And I like helping my friends. I’ve lived long enough to know that good friends, good people, for a vampire are few and far between. Keep them close. As I said earlier, Marrock, his pack, Lycaon, they all have your scent now. Now I’m not suggesting they’ll go all feral and track you down, but on the other hand,” he gestured with his fingers splayed, “well, they could. As for this… this poltergeist, for want of a better word, if it drives them insane, or possesses them, well... Aside from Sabian and Conor, you just can’t trust a werewolf. But that’s my experience, and we both know I’ve been around for aeons. But don’t you think it’s interesting that this entity didn’t attack you? Perhaps that should be your focus.”

Shrugging I replied, “I don’t think it’s anything to do with me. I was as terrified as anyone else. I need to find some powerful spells for protection.”
