Page 21 of Wolf Spell

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“You can use my blood if it helps.”

“Thanks, but I won’t need it.”

Using vampire blood was a double-edged sword. I wasn’t sure it would bode well with the angry spirit of a witch. Also, it was easily tracked. Vampires may be dead, but it’s an esoteric magic that binds their lifeless bodies to the pursuit of blood. And Hakon’s would be potent. If I used his blood, he’d be able to track me, no matter what. And being a good friend was one thing. But being tracked for life, I’m not so sure.

I left him on the sofa scrolling through his tablet as I wandered to the kitchen, putting the kettle on. Dragging myself upstairs, I pulled out my overnight bag from under the bed and stuffed some clean clothes and toiletries in it.

That done, I had to think of spells. Austin and I, as others had, compiled a list on Cloud, it was much better to have access to magic via your phone than carrying hefty books about. But some spells shouldn’t be shared.

Elemental magic, soul magic… I knew what I needed to do. Rushing downstairs, I grabbed my phone and Hakon’s attention.

“I need to phone Marrock. Lycaon’s blood and mine will be a powerful mix for a spell…”

His jaw dropped as he looked up from his tablet. Hakon went to speak but Marrock answered, his voice shrill.


“Marrock, it’s Elsa. Can you find Lycaon, I may have a solution?”

“Lycaon? Maybe. We’ve had another attack and five of my men have gone missing. It’s carnage here. Look…”

I could hear him as he muffled the phone and, in the background, shouted to his pack. Then he was back on the phone, “Elsa, I’ll see what I can do.”

“I’m coming over. I’ll put a spell together.”

“Seriously? You’d be better off waiting until sunrise. The moon’s almost full, and well-”

“That’s why we need to act fast. I know it’s dangerous and I’d be lying if I said I’m not scared, but… look, Hakon will be with me. Maybe Austin, too. I’ll call you once I’m there.”

“Alright. Appreciate it. I’ll do what I can to protect you.”

He hung up abruptly. The shouting and strained calling in the background made my imagination run wild.

Hakon eyed me. His stare was cold, lips pressed tight together.

“Hakon, this entity, perhaps it is the estranged spirit of a witch who was burned at the stake for loving a werewolf. Lycaon, a werewolf was saved by a witch, me. Is that a coincidence? I mean it’s crazy. But if I combine Lycaon’s and my blood, I should be able to at least subdue her spirit. It’s the best I’ve got. And I need to create it fast. But I’ll have to perform the ritual at Savernake woods.” My mouth dried and I swallowed hard. “With Lycaon at the site where they burned her. Marrock witnessed the horror, so he should be able to show me.”

“Well,” he huffed, “you’re either brilliant or crazy. What if it makes her spirit angrier?”

I shrugged. “Do you have any better ideas?”

Rolling his lips, he gazed back at his laptop. “No actually. I have contacted some of my friends who are very proficient in magic. They all lead me back to Austin. No one wants to touch this one. It’s been suggested to use elemental magic, or conjure a Golem, or perhaps a Hell demon to fight off this spirit. Anthony has many contacts in Hell, though they may kill him before helping him. And us, too. Or use a quartz crystal to trap this spirit, but coaxing it into the crystal is the problem…”

“The crystal may work but I doubt it would bind a spirit for long. She, her soul needs to find peace. And Zale is the key. But we have Lycaon, Zale’s maker, or father of the wolves. I don’t think adding demons or Golems into the mix is a good idea. That could start a war.”

Hakon let out a long sigh. “Well, a war over love. Battles have been fought for less. So, this father of the wolves, you think you can trust him? You’re not concerned with trusting the strongest werewolf?”

“Aw, Hakon, I have you to protect me. The werewolves, your immortal enemies, and now you’re fighting fit after your massage.”

He stuck out his tongue, then his face became serious. Frown lines ran deep in his forehead. “Well then, I’d have to move in here missy, I mean how else will I protect you every day? I think you should reconsider though.Letting the wolves into your life. If you unlatch the door, and let them in, there’s no going back!”

He was right and part of me filled with trepidation. The other part of me yearned for him. For Lycaon.

The fluttering in my stomach, the surging heat from the thought of Lycaon made me unable to eat, even though I knew I should. Hunger replaced by desire, by a craving.

I felt Hakon’s stare burn into me. A cheeky smirk on his lips,he grinned from behind his tablet. Slouched on my sofa, my gaze fell to his long legs clad in leather trousers, he smelled of citrus, bergamot and lemon.

His black silk shirt outlined his svelte figure and with his boyish face with strawberry curls, he licked his lips. He was the epitome of a tempting, dangerous vampire. Ironically, he smelled good enough to eat. Repressing a shudder of inappropriate thoughts, I said, “I’m going to prepare the spell. Then I’ll be ready to leave. When we get there, no posturing to the werewolves.”
