Page 22 of Wolf Spell

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Puckering his lips, the vampire’s wide eyes were full of mischief. “I wouldn’t dream of creating a fight. Besides, I'm rather keen to meet this father of werewolves. He’s even older than me, that’s a first. You go do your witchy things, I’ll keep researching spells and potions that might help. And perhaps stop looking at me like you’re going to eat me. Otherwise, I won’t be responsible for my actions. Plus, you’ll be with your hairy boyfriend in a while, and I don’t do werewolves. Ok?”

I felt my cheeks burn. “I just thought you looked nice. There’s no need to go there.”

“I’m always there, love. I am a vampire after all.” He shot me a lopsided grin.

I pointed to the door, a bit dizzy as I walked away from the hot vampire.

Geez, a man drought for months. Men really are like buses. None for ages then several all at once. And all of them are dangerous as hell.

All of them forbidden by the coven.

Upstairs in my study, I ran my finger over the spines of the many spell books and grimoires I had. Which one would speak to me?

A tingle ran down my back and a spark burnt my finger. I pulled out the book, The Dragon Grimoire.


I fished my phone from my back pocket and texted Austin. He knew a dragon shifter. Could he contact him, ask him to help? There was a good chance he wouldn’t come to our aid, as most immortals weren’t affected by this catastrophe. Plus, as Hakon had said, they were keeping their distance. And I didn't blame them. But maybe I’d be lucky. And if anyone could sweet talk a dragon shifter, Austin could. So I had to hope.

A hammering on the front door made me jump.

Hakon called from the bottom of the stairs. “Austin and Grace have arrived. You ready to go meet your lupine boyfriend? I can almost smell the wet-dog before we leave.”

I came downstairs clutching the grimoire. Austin was reading his text message, Grace, his protege was teasing Hakon.

She was young, I’d guess around twenty years old. Strands of blonde hair peaked through her hooded coat. Shorter than Austin, her bright eyes sparkled. An eager mage. Austin on the other hand looked tired. I guessed he needed his protege. As far as I knew once she’d qualified, she’d be able to take some of his work and earn some serious cash in the process.

She mocked Hakon. “Look at you, dressed in silk and leather and smelling like you’re on the pull. Hoping to get some werewolf action, Hakon? All that testosterone, all that feral, masculine heat?”

He screwed up his face at her, and again stuck out his tongue.

“Did you know we were going to the woods? Ah,” she shook her head, a mischievous smile on her face. “It is the werewolves isn’t it, all those sweaty alpha males semi clad, or naked. You’re hoping to get lucky?”

“I’d rather shag a demon, thanks, wet-dog smell doesn’t exactly turn me on, love. You’ve been working for Conor’s pack too long. I’m not sure what you women see in these burly overbearing men. I bet they’re all vanilla and shag like hounds. You just don’t know what you’re missing.”

I laughed. “Ok, are you offering to teach us? Let me guess, hand-cuffs, whips and chains, Hakon? I’m betting you enjoy the power?”

He placed the tablet aside, got up and brushed down his trousers as a gesture whilst locking his stare with mine. “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it, love. And no,Iprefer to be the submissive one. Makes a change from all the responsibilities I have. Nothing like surrendering yourself, body and soul to a beautiful woman. If you fancy it, you have my number.”

Spluttering a loud laugh, Austin looked up. “Ah, yes. Chained by your lover… Mortal men like to dominate because they’re, well, mortal. Weak. Now then, when you’ve got eternity before you and unimaginable powers, well… It’s quite a… no, I’ll leave it there. I’ll get all hot and bothered and now we have to go and stop this catastrophe. So…” He shot me a playful wink.

I couldn’t restrain myself from giggling. “Well now we know what to get you for your birthday. Nipple clamps.”

He huffed dramatically and chided, “I’ve already got those. Do keep up, Elsa.”

Then he continued, “Back to business though. I thought you’d want to know, Luna is holding a sabbath tonight. They’re going to charge some pendants, send healing light our way.”

“Good. I have a feeling we’ll need it. Marrock was distressed. They’ve had another attack. We need to be prepared.”

Grace answered me, “We’ve got it. We’ve set up a link to a portal to whisk us all into if we need it. We can be out of the woods in an instant!”

“Even Marrock’s pack?”

“Um,” she glanced at Austin.

He shrugged. “No, but wecando that. Just hadn’t thought of it. We’ll need to increase our magic. Other than that, we’re both versed in the Elemental arts, so…”

Hakon barked, “Come on then. Elsa’s boyfriend is waiting like a good boy and all this tension is making me… well, just come on.”
