Page 17 of Alien Santa's Gift

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“Damn, Noelle...” I breathed out, my strokes becoming faster and more intense, the rhythm of my racing heartbeat driving me forward.

“Xanther,” her voice echoed in my mind, as if she were right there with me. “You... you really want this?”

“More than anything,” I panted, my resolve wavering, but my passion only growing stronger. “You have no idea.”

“Show me,” she’d purr, a wicked glint in her eyes as she watched me pleasure myself.

My hand moved with increased fervor, my other hand reaching down to caress my balls, adding an extra layer of pleasure to the already overwhelming sensations coursing through my body. Each touch sent a shiver up my spine, making it nearly impossible to hold back any longer.

“Gods, Noelle,” I moaned, struggling to keep my composure. “You’re driving me insane.”

“Good,” she’d tease, her voice barely a whisper. “Let go, Xanther. Let me see how much you desire me.”

“Please, Noelle,” I begged, my thoughts consumed by her image – her full lips, her soft skin, her beautiful curves. “I can’t take it anymore.”

My breath quickened, chest heaving as I felt that familiar tightening in my groin. The anticipation was unbearable, each stroke making it harder to hold back the inevitable.

“Ah...Noelle,” I moaned, her name escaping from my lips like a desperate plea. My body tensed up, muscles rippling beneath my skin.

“Xanther,” her voice echoed in my mind, seductive and encouraging. “Let go...give yourself to me.”

“Gods, Noelle,” I panted, my words punctuated by short, sharp gasps. “I can’t...I can’t hold on any longer.”

“Then don’t,” she whispered, her presence so real in my thoughts that I could almost feel her lips against my ear. “Surrender to me, Xanther. Show me your passion.”

My moans grew louder, filling the room with the sound of my unbridled desire. My heart raced, pounding in time with the rhythm of my strokes. I imagined Noelle’s hands on me, guiding my movements, urging me closer and closer to the edge.

“Please,” I begged, my whole body trembling with anticipation. “I need...I need...”

“Release,” she breathed into my ear, the word sending shivers down my spine.

As the tidal wave of pleasure crashed over me, I felt my vision blur, my senses overwhelmed by the force of my release. “Noelle,” I gasped, her name leaving my lips like a prayer. My hand coated in a hot, sticky evidence of my desire for her, I could not help but envision her body pressed against mine, her own arousal evident between us.

The room seemed to spin around me, and I knew that I could no longer stand on my own two feet.

With a final, shuddering breath, I collapsed onto the bed, my body spent and sated. As I lay there panting heavily, I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Noelle –my guiding star, my lover.

But thoughts of her alone in her bed back on Earth carved a hollow into my chest.

Chapter Seven


The days and nights that followed Xanther’s departure seemed to stretch endlessly, each moment feeling longer than the last. I found myself constantly reminiscing about him - the curve of his smile, the infectious sound of his laughter, and those deep blue eyes that seemed to peer directly into the very core of my being. Even in my dreams, the sensation of his touch lingered, making waking up all the more painful.

One morning, as the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, Mom, with a concerned look in her eyes, remarked, “You’ve been seeming a bit out of sorts lately, dear. Is everything all right with that charming gentleman you introduced to us during Christmas? Nick, wasn’t it?”

I hesitated, swirling my coffee spoon in the mug, watching the ripples it created. How could I possibly convey the fantastical reality of my situation?

Choosing my words carefully, I replied, “We’re experiencing some challenges. His job requires him to travel extensively, so our moments together are few and far between.”

With a gentle, understanding nod, Mom reached across the table to pat my hand. “Maintaining a long-distance relationship is never easy,” she said softly. “But remember, if the love is genuine, it can endure any distance or obstacle. Keep faith in your heart.”

I tried to smile, appreciating her comforting words, but wishing the situation was as straightforward as she believed.

Each night, I found solace by my bedroom window, eyes scanning the vast expanse of the sky. I’d search until I spotted the faint red speck that represented Xanther’s distant world. The immense space separating us felt like an ever-widening void in my heart.

To combat the loneliness that threatened to engulf me, I began penning heartfelt letters to Xanther. I poured out the minutiae of my days, the highs and lows, always emphasizing that he was the sole possessor of my heart’s key. His replies, always filled with warmth and thoughtfulness, were a balm to my soul, but they also intensified my yearning for him.
