Page 18 of Alien Santa's Gift

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One afternoon, as I was lost in my thoughts, my sister Star, ever the voice of reason, teased, “You’ve never been one for patience, have you?” She chuckled, then added, “But if he truly means that much to you, things will fall into place. Just give it time.”

Enduring the separation was undeniably challenging, but the unwavering support of my family fortified my resolve. I was certain of one thing: Xanther was worth every moment of waiting and every mile that stood between us.

Every day, I found myself increasingly drawn to my tablet, almost as if it had a magnetic pull. Each evening, as I hurried home, my heart would beat rapidly in my chest, filled with the hopeful anticipation of discovering another luminous letter from Xanther.

In the beginning, our digital exchanges were characterized by a friendly yet guarded tone. However, as the days turned into weeks and then months, our conversations evolved. We began to shed the protective facades we had constructed, allowing our most genuine selves to emerge.

One evening, I poured out my feelings of isolation and the hidden sorrows that weighed on my heart:

Dearest Xanther,

The world here seems so much grayer without your presence. I find myself yearning for our deep conversations, the sound of your laughter, and the endearing way your eyes light up when you smile. It feels as though you’re the only one who truly understands the depths of my soul. I eagerly await your next letter; they’ve become the beacon of light in my otherwise mundane human life.

Forever yours, Noelle

Xanther’s replies, always filled with wisdom and compassion, became my anchor:

My Beloved Noelle,

Each letter you send is like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds of my daily life. I resonate deeply with your feelings of solitude. The role of Santa, though revered, can be a lonely one, even among my own kind. It often feels like I’m perpetually wearing a mask. However, opening up to you, showing you the real me, has been the most precious gift I’ve ever received. Hold onto hope, for I believe brighter moments are on the horizon.

With deep affection, Xanther

As our correspondence continued, we became increasingly open with each other, revealing our vulnerabilities and dreams. This deepened our connection, making it all the more profound despite the vast distances that separated us. My family often made lighthearted jabs about my “pen pal fixation,” completely oblivious to the fact that I was sharing my innermost feelings with a being from a distant galaxy.

Yet, regardless of the physical space between us, nothing could weaken the extraordinary bond we had established. What had blossomed between Xanther and me was nothing short of magical.

As the festive season neared once again on Earth, my thoughts were consumed by my last moments with Xanther. A nagging question haunted my every waking moment: Why hadn’t I mustered the courage to reveal the depth of my feelings before our paths diverged?

I often wondered if uttering those three simple words, “I love you,” might have altered the course of events. Perhaps he would have chosen to remain by my side, or maybe he would have invited me to journey with him to the stars. Instead, I had been rendered speechless, left to watch as he vanished into the vast cosmic expanse.

Now, with almost a year of heartfelt exchanges behind us, my emotions for Xanther had grown exponentially. My heart brimmed with affection and admiration for this remarkable being who seemed to comprehend the intricacies of my soul in ways no one else ever had. The longing to express my love to him face-to-face was overwhelming.

Yet, insecurities and uncertainties held me back. If I were to openly declare my love, would it only serve to highlight the chasm that lay between our two worlds? After all, Xanther had duties and traditions on Yule that I could barely begin to understand.

While we undeniably shared a deep and unique connection, I couldn’t help but question the feasibility of a romantic relationship between an Earth woman and an age-old extraterrestrial Santa. The vast distances of space that separated us felt like an insurmountable obstacle.

With a mixture of frustration and resignation, I placed the stylus of my tablet aside. My feelings for Xanther were clear and undeniable. Yet, the prospect of acting on them seemed fraught with complications.

However, deep within, a small yet persistent voice refused to be silenced. It reminded me that our bond was extraordinary, defying all conventional wisdom and norms. Why should we impose limitations on something so rare and beautiful?

With each letter Xanther sent, he often attached visual glimpses into his world. These images showcased breathtaking ice castles that shimmered under the vibrant hues of auroras and detailed toys in various stages of creation, each more intricate than the last.

In these captured moments, Xanther appeared content and at ease, surrounded by familiar settings and his own kind. Every time I viewed these images, I had to wrestle with a nagging feeling of jealousy, coupled with the fear that perhaps he was more contented there, away from me.

In response, I would send back pictures of my own, carefully curated to portray a sense of joy and normalcy. There were images of me baking festive cookies alongside my sister, or of us decorating the family Christmas tree. But if one looked closely, behind the forced smiles, a shadow of melancholy was evident.

One day, unable to bear the weight of my feelings any longer, I penned a more candid letter:

My Dearest Xanther,

Every glimpse you share of your world only serves to amplify the vast distance that separates us. My daily life feels so ordinary, so colorless without your presence. While I hold dear the unique bond we share, I can’t help but wonder: was our connection merely a transient enchantment, destined to fade after that magical Christmas Eve? The mere thought is agonizing, but I need to confront the truth.

Forever yours, Noelle

His response, when it came, mirrored the fears and uncertainties that had been plaguing my own heart:

Dearest Noelle,
