Page 24 of Alien Santa's Gift

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Before I could fully process this interaction, a group of Yulian craftswomen elegantly made their way through the crowd, their hands holding ornate trays laden with what appeared to be frosted delicacies. “Welcome to our world, dear human guest,” they greeted in perfectly harmonized voices. “We invite you to savor the taste of our beloved krrrr’sh’tak cakes, a cherished treat here on Yule.”

Gratefully, I took one of the offered pastries, its crystalline structure glistening under the ambient light. As I took a bite, the cake dissolved on my tongue, its flavor reminiscent of the purest vanilla, with a texture as ephemeral as freshly fallen snow.

Everywhere I looked, more and more Yulians approached, eager to make my acquaintance. Their laughter, melodious and light, filled the air as they took turns holding my hands, expressing their delight at the warmth and unique hue of my skin. Their compliments, sincere and frequent, caused my cheeks to flush with a mix of embarrassment and pleasure.

Throughout this whirlwind of introductions and interactions, Xanther stood by my side, a look of immense pride evident on his face. It was clear that he took great joy in witnessing the warm reception his people were extending to me.

While the majority of Yulians greeted me with genuine interest and a sense of wonder, it became evident that not everyone on Yule was as accepting of outsiders.

As I meandered through the intricately designed corridors of the main workshop, marveling at the artistry with which the ice had been sculpted, my path was suddenly obstructed. An imposing Yulian figure, towering over me, stood with a stern expression, his brow furrowed in a deep scowl.

“You have no place here, outsider,” he declared in a voice that was deep and resonant, each word dripping with disdain. “Our world, our traditions, they are not meant to be shared with beings like you.”

I was taken aback, unsure of how to respond to such blatant hostility. But before I could muster a reply, Xanther swiftly moved to stand beside me, his posture rigid and authoritative. “Enough, Prancer,” he commanded, his voice firm. “Noelle is here as my guest and under my protection.”

Prancer’s icy gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before he begrudgingly stepped aside. However, as we moved past him, he couldn’t resist one final barb. “Remember where your true loyalties lie, Santa,” he hissed, directing his words at Xanther. “Fraternizing with outsiders will only bring trouble.”

Doing my best to maintain my composure, I avoided meeting Prancer’s eyes, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing any vulnerability. Xanther, sensing my discomfort, gently took my hand in his, offering silent support as we continued our journey.

“Noelle,” he whispered, leaning closer so only I could hear, “please don’t let Prancer’s words trouble you. His beliefs are rooted in a past long gone. In time, you’ll show everyone here the value you bring.”


In the days that followed my initial encounter with Prancer, it became evident that my presence on Yule was not universally welcomed. A series of unsettling events began to unfold, casting a shadow over my attempts to integrate into this new world.

One morning, as I set about my tasks in the workshop, I discovered that several of my tools had mysteriously vanished from my station. Whispers and murmurs echoed through the workshop, suggesting that perhaps I was not well-adapted to the unique climate of Yule and might be responsible for the mishaps. My initial attempts to immerse myself in the Yulian culture, by participating in their traditional song and dance, were met with derisive glances and barely concealed snickers.

The root of this animosity became all too clear one day as I was walking through one of the workshop’s shimmering corridors. Holly, a striking Yulian with a reputation for her beauty, was approaching with a group of her companions. As our eyes met, her usually radiant face contorted into an expression of disdain.

“Look who it is,” she sneered, addressing her entourage but loud enough for me to hear. “The alien pet has returned. I wonder how long it can endure being so far from its natural environment?”

I recalled Xanther mentioning Holly’s unrequited feelings for him in the past. The pieces began to fall into place. Her animosity towards me was driven by jealousy and a sense of rivalry.

Summoning all the courage I could muster, I straightened my posture, meeting her gaze unflinchingly. “Yule is my home now,” I declared with conviction. “I have every intention of staying.”

Holly’s eyes, pale and cold, narrowed dangerously. “We shall see how long you can endure, human,” she retorted, her voice dripping with venom. With a dismissive flick of her hair, she moved past me, her group trailing behind, their hushed conversations carrying an air of menace.

A chill ran down my spine, and it had nothing to do with the icy temperatures of Yule. Holly’s blatant hostility was a stark reminder that beneath the surface of the Yulian’s jovial facade, there existed complexities and challenges I had yet to navigate.

Their words, meant to wound, found their mark. Each barbed comment served to amplify the nagging doubts that had begun to creep into my mind. Had I made a grave error in coming to Yule? Was I truly so out of place here?

Even the mesmerizing auroras, which had once filled me with wonder, now seemed to taunt me with their ever-changing patterns, mirroring the tumult of emotions I felt. Seeking solace, I began to venture into the icy forests that surrounded the settlement. The solitude of the woods offered a brief respite from the prying eyes and whispered judgments. Yet, even in those quiet moments, a deep sense of homesickness gnawed at me. But the thought of leaving Xanther, the one constant source of comfort and support in this alien world, was unbearable.

Every day, without fail, Xanther would seek me out, his warm greetings and gentle encouragement serving as a balm for my wounded spirit. He constantly reminded me that adjusting to a new world and culture was a process, and that I was making progress, even if it didn’t always feel like it.

I clung to his words, desperate for reassurance. But deep down, a seed of uncertainty had taken root. Would I ever truly belong on Yule? Or was I destined to remain an outsider, forever caught between two worlds?

Upon entering the workshop on a crisp Yulian morning, I was met with a sight that made my heart sink. My carefully arranged tools lay in pieces, their shattered remnants strewn across my workstation. The materials I had been working with were rendered useless, torn and scattered. The weight of the malicious act pressed heavily on my chest.

A short distance away, Holly and her group stood, their expressions a mix of smug satisfaction and cold indifference. Their presence near the scene of the crime left little doubt as to who was responsible. Their eyes, devoid of remorse, met mine, challenging me to react.

I took a deep breath, determined not to give them the satisfaction of seeing me crumble. But within, their relentless cruelty had worn me down, pushing me to the brink of my patience.

It wasn’t long before Xanther arrived, his keen eyes quickly taking in the scene. A transformation came over him, one I had never witnessed before. His usually gentle demeanor shifted, replaced by a palpable aura of authority and anger. His posture straightened, and his eyes, usually so warm and kind, now blazed with a fire I had never seen.

“Enough of this!” His voice, powerful and resonant, echoed throughout the cavernous workshop, silencing all other sounds. “This blatant disrespect and harassment toward my guest, my companion, will not be tolerated any longer.”

Holly, so often the instigator, seemed momentarily stunned by Xanther’s outburst. The other Yulians, who had been watching the confrontation with bated breath, visibly recoiled. It was clear that this side of Xanther, their beloved Santa, was unfamiliar to them.
