Page 25 of Alien Santa's Gift

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Holly’s usual haughty demeanor faltered, and she quickly retreated, her face turning a deep shade of cobalt, whether from shame or anger, I couldn’t tell. While part of me felt a sense of vindication, another part felt even more isolated and defeated.

Once the workshop had settled and we were alone, I turned to Xanther. “Thank you,” I began, my voice filled with gratitude, “for standing up for me. But I need to find my own footing here. If I’m ever going to be accepted, I need to face these challenges myself.”

Xanther looked at me, his eyes filled with a mix of pride and concern. “I understand,” he replied gently. “But always remember, if you ever need assistance, I’m here for you.”

I nodded, drawing strength from his words. It was time to stand my ground, to prove my worth on Yule. The days of second-guessing myself were behind me.

The days that followed Xanther’s confrontation with Holly were marked by a noticeable change in her behavior. While she no longer launched overt attacks against me, her animosity was far from gone. In crowded gatherings, I would often catch her icy gaze directed at me, filled with unspoken venom. Her close-knit group of followers would occasionally flash me sly, malicious grins, especially when they thought Xanther wasn’t paying attention.

It was evident that Holly had merely shifted her tactics, choosing to operate from the shadows rather than out in the open. She was biding her time, looking for opportunities to undermine me without drawing attention to herself. But I was determined not to let her intimidation tactics work. Every time our eyes met, I held her gaze, unflinching, silently communicating that I was here to stay, regardless of her feelings on the matter.

Subtle “accidents” began to plague my daily routine. Containers of paint would mysteriously tip over, ruining the materials I was working with. Important messages intended for me would go missing. But rather than bringing these issues to Xanther, I chose to handle them myself. Each setback, while frustrating, was not entirely unexpected. Holly’s tactics had shifted from overt hostility to a more insidious form of passive-aggression. It was a game she was playing, and I was determined to rise to the challenge.

Recognizing the importance of allies, I began to forge connections with Yulians who were more open-minded and friendly. Their support provided me with a network of watchful eyes and ears, helping me navigate the treacherous waters of Yulian politics. I also redoubled my efforts to integrate into the community. I dedicated myself to mastering the traditional songs of Yule, honing my toy-crafting skills, and immersing myself in the customs and traditions of this alien world.

Over time, my perseverance began to pay off. The once-frequent whispers that accompanied my presence began to fade. The skilled artisans of the workshop, recognizing my genuine efforts, started to accept me as one of their own. The weight that had been pressing on my chest began to lift, replaced by a newfound confidence. I felt a sense of belonging, a feeling that had eluded me since my arrival.

The road remained long, but for the first time since arriving, my footing felt sure. Holly’s scheming would not sway me from my path again.

Chapter Ten


The gentle rays of the morning sun filtered through the intricate ice patterns of my chamber, casting a soft glow that roused me from my slumber. As I slowly blinked away the remnants of sleep, a splash of vibrant colors at the foot of my bed caught my attention. Nestled there was a collection of beautifully wrapped packages, each adorned with intricate ribbons and bows.

A rush of childlike excitement washed over me as I recalled the magical mornings of my youth, when I would eagerly rush to the Christmas tree to discover the surprises Santa had left behind. The realization dawned on me that Xanther, in his own special way, had recreated that cherished memory for me here on Yule.

Unable to resist the allure of the gifts, I eagerly reached for the first package. As the wrapping fell away, it revealed a breathtaking gown made of the finest Yulian silk. The fabric shimmered and shifted in hues reminiscent of the mesmerizing auroras that danced across the Yulian skies. The gown was tailored perfectly, designed to accentuate my features and complement the warmth of my skin.

My hands then gravitated towards the next package, which, upon opening, released the intoxicating scents of floral perfumes and aromatic oils. These fragrances, reminiscent of the luxuries I had left behind on Earth, were a testament to Xanther’s keen understanding of my desires and longings.

The final gift was a beautifully arranged tray laden with an assortment of crystalline pastries, exotic fruits unique to Yule, and a pot of steaming kava tea, its rich aroma filling the room. Breakfast in bed, Yulian style! My heart felt full, overwhelmed by the depth of Xanther’s thoughtfulness.

As I began to savor the delectable treats, a piece of paper tucked amidst the gifts caught my eye. Unfolding it, I was greeted by Xanther’s elegant handwriting which read, “To brighten your days as you brighten mine.”

I clutched the paper to my heart, eyes prickling with happy tears. Despite lingering hardships, moments like this reminded me I had truly found where I belonged in the universe. Here with Xanther.


With a burning desire to familiarize myself with the intricacies of my new surroundings, I wrapped myself in layers of warm clothing, preparing to brave the cold that awaited outside. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out, eager to discover the hidden gems of the village and the mysteries of the hills that lay beyond.

The air outside was refreshingly crisp, carrying with it the unique scent of Yule, a blend of frost and an unknown floral aroma. As I wandered through the village, my footsteps left imprints on the snow-covered pathways that meandered between the charming domed dwellings, each meticulously carved from ice that gleamed in varying shades of blue.

The village was alive with the sounds of Yulian children at play. Their laughter echoed through the air, and they waved enthusiastically as they ran past, their crystalline kites trailing behind them, painting the sky with vibrant colors.

Drawn by the delicate chimes of a nearby workshop, I paused to watch an artisan at work. With practiced hands, she crafted intricate mobiles, molding and shaping the ice into lifelike representations of Yulian flying creatures. Noticing my admiration, she flashed a warm smile and handed me a miniature ice sculpture of a reindeer, a gesture of welcome that touched my heart.

Leaving the bustling village behind, I ventured into the hills, following meandering trails that led me deeper into the Yulian wilderness. The snow underfoot was unlike any I had seen before, its hue a soft shade of violet, contrasting starkly with the familiar white snow of Earth.

Upon reaching the summit of a particularly tall ridge, I was greeted by a breathtaking sight. Stretching out before me was a vast plain, its surface a tapestry of shimmering ice that extended as far as the eye could see. The sky above was illuminated by the brilliant colors of Yule’s gaseous rings, casting emerald and sapphire reflections onto the icy expanse below.

Drawn by the beauty of the landscape, I ventured further, navigating between towering ice formations that rose from the ground like jagged shards of glass. The solitude was palpable, and in that moment, surrounded by the vastness of Yule, I felt both small and infinitely connected to the universe.

As the day transitioned into night, the setting sun bathed the icy world in a kaleidoscope of colors, each hue more mesmerizing than the last. And then, as darkness enveloped the land, the sky came alive with the ethereal beauty of the auroras, their jade and violet tendrils dancing gracefully overhead. Lost in the moment, I twirled beneath the celestial display, my heart full of wonder and gratitude for this magnificent world I had come to call home.


The pivotal moment had arrived for me to immerse myself in the heart of Yule’s primary trade - the intricate art of toymaking. Up to that point, I’d been dabbling, but it was time for me to produce deliverable toys… to pull my weight. While I was eager to contribute, I was acutely aware that not everyone believed in my ability to grasp the complex techniques that had been perfected over generations.
