Page 111 of Second Chance Player

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“And now what?” she asks.

“Now my heart is so full it’s bursting,” I admit.

“Mine too,” Skylar says. “I’m terrified about what this meeting with Flynn is all about, but I am so in love with you.”

“You’re meeting with Flynn is going to be fine,” I blurt.

“How would you know?” she asks.

“I’ve got to go. I love you. I should hop in the shower before I go to Dad’s,” I deflect.

“Liam Bozeman,” she calls out, but I end the call with a smile on my face, despite the poor state of my body.

I shower and let the warm water soothe my achy bones. When I get back to bed, I crash for a few hours. I clearly needed the rest after last night’s events.

When I look at my phone, I have a million missed messages from Skylar.

Skylar:Liam, are you okay? Pick up.

Skylar:Liam, I can’t believe what you did for me.

Skylar:Liam, pick up the phone. Are you okay?

Skylar:Liam, I love you so damn much. I swear I could marry you right now.

The last message gets my hackles up. Skylar is very aware of how I feel about her. I haven’t hidden the fact I want her to move in with me and make her my forever.

I realize I must have accidentally put my phone on vibrate.

When I pick it up, I see Skylar’s name on the screen.

“Hello,” I say.

“Liam, finally,” she huffs. “OMG, it was so crazy. Like you don’t understand.” She’s talking a mile a minute. “Flynn is so badass. She brought Carter and his lawyer into her meeting room. We were sitting at this long table, and this big tall scary guy was standing off to the side.”

Must be Mike.

“Flynn had this screen set up, and then she played a video. You had to see their faces, and holy shit are you okay? Why would you let Carter beat you up like that? You should’ve fought back,” she cries out.

“You know why I didn’t fight back,” I say, my throat dry.

“Liam.” She sighs. “Carter relinquished his parental rights.”

“What does that mean exactly?” I ask.

“It means he is never going to have anything to do with Crew. It means he has no right to decide on anything. Not even an adoption,” she clarifies.

Her words cause me to sit up straight in bed.

“Adoption? What do you mean?”

“I don’t want to pressure you or make you think that is what needs to be done,” Skylar mutters. “Just that Flynn wanted us to be free and clear of Carter. So let’s say if one day you and I get married and you would want to adopt my son, then Carter would have technically had to sign off on it. Only he won’t have to anymore,” she explains.

“Wow. That’s . . . amazing.”

I think of Crew being mine. Of me adopting him. Being his father. Being his role model and my chest expands.

“That makes me really happy to hear,” I tell Skylar.
