Page 105 of Grumpy Player

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“You must be starving,” Connor says as he takes my carry-on from me and rolls it out of the airport.

“I am. I went from the airport to my meeting and then back on the plane, and plane food is gross,” I declare, scrunching my face and watching Syd.

She scrunches her face too and sticks out her tongue. I love this kid so much, and yet I feel so sad because I am losing this dynamic duo.

“How about we go for some burgers?” Connor suggests, looking between Syd and me.

“That sounds perfect,” I reply and Syd cheers. Some comfort food is needed right now.

We stop at a fun burger joint and get cheeseburgers and milkshakes. We joke around and laugh, and for an hour, I forget about Canada, or the wedding. I’m just happy to be with Connor and Syd. Afterward we head back to the apartment, and I help Syd get ready for bed. Connor receives a call from his attorney, so he goes into his room and closes the door.

As I help Syd get ready for bed, I cherish every moment of combing through her hair. We now use a leave-in conditioner that makes it easy to comb right through. I remember how difficult it was to comb through her hair from the start. After reading her a bedtime story and tucking her in she says, “I missed you at the bus today.”

I lean and peck her forehead. “I missed you too. Now you go to sleep and have the sweetest dreams, okay?”

She nods.

I turn off her lamp and watch her close her eyes. I’ve never felt anything like the love I have for Syd before. I tiptoe out of her room and when I head to the main room, Connor is sitting on the couch watching the hockey game.

I go to sit beside him, and he turns off the television.

“She dropped the suit,” he says, looking so carefree and young.

I lean over and hug him. “That’s great news.” I take in his scent, marking it to memory.

He pulls back and so do I. “I know I’ve said this before, but I don’t know how to ever repay you.”

“Good thing you don’t have to,” I say.

He asks me what happened in Canada, and I tell him every sordid detail of my conversation with Sybil, including the part where she wants me to help her form a relationship with Syd.

Connor stands and paces back and forth before stopping in front of me and kneeling.

“You shouldn’t kneel,” I chide.

“I’m fine,” he assures, and he takes my hands in his. “You told Sybil you would help her form a relationship with Syd?”

I nod. “She admits she isn’t very motherly, but I thought it could be good for Syd to know her mom. Even if she sees her like an aunt or a fun friend.”

“You never cease to amaze me.” He watches me like I am something special. “I think that would be good for her too. I’m open to Sybil playing a role in Syd’s life if she is being genuine.”

“All the attitude she had when she was here in the city was gone when we met. She was really upset to learn Warren was a douchebag. Her feelings for him were real. She was hurt but I think that helped to break down the barriers she had around herself. She isn’t a bad person; she just doesn’t know another way.”

Connor’s blue eyes bore into mine, his jaw pulses as he watches me.

“Say something,” I say quietly.

“Thank you,” he breathes. “For everything.”

“Would you get off your knees now? It still makes me nervous, even if I know you’re better.”

“I’m used to being on my knees, Ellie. I’m a goalie. Most of my warm-ups on the ice are done with me on my knees.”

“I’d like to see that one day.” I grin. “I hadn’t realized what a sexy sport hockey was.”

“There’s nothing sexy about it. It’s a rough sport.”

I don’t argue since I understand why he isn’t seeing my point of view.
