Page 4 of Grumpy Player

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“Where has it gotten me? I’m homeless.” I break out in manic laughter.

Patty frowns. The irony isn’t lost on either of us. I was raised in a billionaire family.

“One of the guys on the team, our goalie, he was recently injured. He has a kid to take care of. She’s a sweet six-year-old. He’s looking for a nanny. His apartment is in the same building as mine. It’s beautiful. His daughter is awesome. I know it’s weird for you to be someone’s nanny when you grew up with nannies but. . .” She takes a big bite of her sandwich.

“I’ll take it,” I splutter.

“What?” Patty asks.

“I’m desperate, Patty.” I sip my latte.

“It’s a place to live. I really think you’re going to like Syd,” Patty says. “You two have a lot in common.”

“What does that mean? Is Syd the father?” I ask.

“No, Connor Donaldson is the dad. He’s our goalie. His daughter’s name is Sydney but she goes by Syd,” Patty explains.

“Why would this Connor guy hire me though? I mean, won’t he want someone with experience?” I ask.

“Honestly.” She winces. “I kind of thought it would be a good job for you because you were being vague about the retail store and after seeing your apartment and those rodents. . .” She quivers and scrunches her nose. “It’s not a way to live, Ellie.”

I can’t disagree, but I was desperate.

“I told Connor I had an amazing friend who would be a great nanny. Skylar was there and she also told him you were great too.” I’m grateful to have good friends. They really are my support system.

“And he doesn’t care that I have no experience?” I repeat, my brows raised.

“I mentioned your temp job teaching kids art.” She shrugs and nods. “He’s been using a temp agency for childcare and nursing care since his movement is limited right now. Syd hates all the temps they’ve sent.”

I blow out a breath.

“You can do this, Els, just until you get on your feet. At least you’ll have a decent place to stay,” Patty reasons. “And Connor is easy on the eyes.”

I lick my lips. “I don’t have time to go there.”

Patty frowns. “You haven’t been with anyone since college.”

“Because my life has been a shitstorm,” I remind. I try to go out for girls’ nights with my friends, even when they go to Focus to pick up men and hang out, but I always lay low. It’s never been my cup of tea. I don’t know, maybe I’m on the picky side. My parents always cared about me marrying the right man, which to them meant someone from an upper-class family with the right last name, which would benefit our business dealings. When I was in boarding school, I dated my share of boys who came from wealthy families, but at the end of the day I didn’t really like or find anything in common with any of them. I’ve always been different. The odd one out. My family all has dark hair, including Mom. She has blue eyes though and I’ve got dark auburn hair and green eyes. Mom always said I probably got it from her Scottish roots on her dad’s side. But it wasn’t just my looks that set me apart from my family. It was my whole attitude and outlook on life.

“Fine, so it doesn’t matter if Connor is a hottie and a good guy. Do it for Syd. That kid needs someone stable,” Patty shares.

“And you think I’m stable?” I snort and take a bite of my muffin.

Patty gives me a pointed look. “Yes. You’re doing your best to get by.”

“At least someone has faith in me,” I sigh.

She reaches out and takes my hand across the table. “This is going to be good. Trust me.”

“Okay. When can I get a job interview?” I ask.

“I doubt you’ll need one. Connor trusts me,” she says. Then she looks down at herself. “Let’s get out of here. The place is starting to fill up and we are both in our pajamas.”

We both laugh and leave the cute little restaurant.

We finally make it to Patty’s building. I unload my stuff in her front door and she goes to the underground to park. Someone holds the door open for me and offers me a hand to the elevator, so I wait in front of the elevators for Patty to arrive, but she comes up the flight of stairs instead, saying she takes the stairs when she can.

Patty walks over to the elevator and we wait for a car to arrive. When it arrives in the lobby the doors open and a little girl with auburn hair comes running out.

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