Page 5 of Grumpy Player

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“Syd?” Patty calls and she sounds confused. “Where are you going?”

“To hide,” the little girl replies, turning her head for a brief moment.

Patty goes after her. “How did you get down here by yourself?”

“I ran away from Cruella,” the child says, pinching her cute little heart-shaped lips into a frown.

“Cruella?” Patty asks.

“The nanny Daddy hired,” she clarifies.

“Sweetie, you can’t be down here by yourself,” Patty scolds. “I better text your daddy and let him know where you are. He’s probably worried sick.”

An older woman comes down the elevator and spots Patty with the child. Patty is right, she is adorable and reminds me of myself running from nannies I disliked. My brothers and I did all kinds of pranks on them when we were younger.

“Come on, young lady. We need to get you ready for school,” the older woman says.

Syd shakes her head back and forth, whipping her light auburn hair into her face.

“Come with me, Syd,” Patty says, offering her a hand.

Patty messages the dad, who she says is probably having a heart attack by now.

“He isn’t answering.” Patty bites her lip.

I don’t have any good advice. I don’t know what to do with a kid.

Moments later, the elevator door opens and out comes a very angry man on crutches. He’s swinging his legs awkwardly and wincing from pain.

“Oh, thank goodness.” He blows out a breath when he sees his daughter.

“Sydney Rachel Donaldson. You cannot run off like that,” he booms.

Syd chews her lip.

“Connor, how did you get out of bed?” Patty asks, sounding alarmed. “This is going to set back your recovery.”

“Syd ran off,” he says with a scowl. “I didn’t have much of a choice.” He gives his daughter the stink eye.

Syd gives him puppy dog eyes in return and bats her lashes. Oh! She is good.

“Syd won’t listen to the nanny the temp agency sent,” he explains.

“I don’t blame her,” I mutter under my breath.

“Excuse me?” he snaps at me. His blue eyes unrelenting and narrow.

Did I say that out loud? Shit.

Well, there’s no turning back now. “I don’t blame her,” I repeat louder. “That woman doesn’t seem very kind. I grew up with nannies and they’re not all created equal. I could tell you some horror stories,” I snicker awkwardly.

“You think you could do better?” he challenges.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Watch me.” Game on good-looking asshole.

The little girl ran off and is hiding behind a large plant in the lobby, as the nanny is trying to talk her into coming with her.

I walk away and head in their direction, but I am close enough to hear him tell Patty he needs her to get to the bus on time for school, to which Patty chides him for walking around and hurting his recovery.
