Page 99 of Obliterate

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I reach up, gently cupping his bruising face. “Is your jaw sore?”

He shrugs it off. “Worth it! Now I can do this without worrying about being caught.” He leans down, pressing his lips to mine. That tingle shoots through me, igniting my soul, and I can’t help but feel excited about the possibilities that surround us.

I slowly pull back, Grudge chuckling beside me as I stare into South’s eyes. He smiles, taking my hand. “You wanna come make a phone call, and we tell my sister, Bella?”

My stomach flips, but I nod. “Yeah. Okay. Let’s do this.”



Three Days Later

The club has been in planning mode. We know what we want to do. We just need everything to fall into place.

Houston Defiance should arrive at the clubhouse any minute, and then we can get this party underway.

As for other club news, Lani has woken up in the hospital and seems to be recovering from her seizure. She’s still groggy and restless. Grit and Kaia are standing vigil over her while Ghoul is on protection detail. They’re staying out of this fight. Novah is on bed rest, Bayou’s orders, and he is strict on enforcing them. But honestly, I think she’s happy to be taking care of herself and their baby.

I’m keeping my eye on Ingrid. The fact is, she’s going through a hell of a lot right now. I’m waiting to make sure she doesn’t fall over—emotionally speaking.

The club is about to head off into something big. I want to go into this, ensuring my woman is okay. Because if something happens and I don’t come back, I want her to know that she has got this no matter what.

As we all sit in the main clubroom, mingling around, the proximity alarm sounds and the roar of multiple Harleys approaching are heard. We are all tense, knowing the time for Houston’s arrival is here.

Hurricane stands signaling to everyone. “Brothers, you know the task at hand. I need you all to act normal. We’re a brotherhood. These are your peers. Don’t let them think otherwise,” Hurricane states, making all the women in the club furrow their brows in confusion.

Only the ranked patched brothers know of the assassination plot on Six.

The fewer people in on the plan, the better.

Ingrid looks at me, her eyes widening like she’s slowly realizing there is more to this than we have been letting on. She leans into my side, whispering, “Tell me you guys aren’t planning something stupid?”

I glance at her and press a tender kiss to her forehead, saying nothing in response. She scrunches up her face like she knows the club is in deep shit as Raid lets Houston ride into the compound. Ingrid leans in close to me again and exhales. “Whatever happens, promise me you won’t let the twins get hurt. Take care of them out there. I know you can look after yourself, but watch out for them too. They’re gung-ho, and whatever it is the club is planning, it’s going to fall back on them.”

I nod, grabbing her hand. “I promise… I’ll keep them safe.”

The clubhouse doors open, and Texas is the first to step through, his giant, bulking frame taking up almost the entire doorway, but the giant smile on his face is a contradiction to his muscular body. “Fuckers! It’s good to see ya! We gonna fuck up some Bratva or what?”

We all chuckle as Slick walks in behind him, shoving him out of the way. “Hey, guys!”

Their two prospects, Keith and Jarred, walk in carrying all their luggage, and they make their way to Jaz and Storm to figure out where to put everything.

The poor bastards look like deer in the headlights.

Can’t blame them. We were all there once.

Neon walks in next, playing on his cell, grunting something unintelligible as he walks straight for Raid’s tech den. Kevlar follows soon after in a conversation with Wraith and Chains.

We all tense as Zero walks in, the man, the myth, the legend. His hands look better than they were, but you can still clearly see they’re not as useful as they were beforethe Houston battle.

Six strides into the clubhouse, his shoulders broad, he seems so much stockier than when I saw him last. For a young president, he is really coming into his own. He’s fast growing into the man Houston needs him to be, and it fucking hurts that we are the guys who will deprive Houston of another president in the span of a two-year period.

I can tell the rest of my guys are thinking the same thing, as we’re all quiet when Houston enters, being noisy and happy to see us.

Hurricane is the first to make a move. He rushes forward to greet Six and Zero, slapping them on their backs. “Brothers, thanks for the save… don’t think we coulda done this on our own. So glad you brought everyone down for this.”

Six laughs, shaking his head. “Oh, this isn’t everyone. This is only about half our men. Our intake has doubled for some reason, and we’re in excess at the moment. We don’t have enough rooms at the clubhouse to house everyone. Brothers are having to stay at our accommodations across the street.”
