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“Ms. Summer, your son… he never returned to class after recess. Now, we do have people out searching for him, but if you could come down to the school, and–”

The phone drops from my hand.



My entire world came crashing down violently around me. Everything I thought I knew about her was wrong—so very fucking wrong. How did I not see it? She's wrong for me. For a few seconds, I thought I had found my mate, but the mate that was supposed to be my other half turned out to be a liar. She lied straight to my face. I thought when I met her, I could look past it if she were a rogue whore, but now, faced with the truth, I realize how utterly idiotic that thought was.

“Valen, what the fuck, bro!” Marcus says as I walk across the parking lot. I ignore him.

“Valen, you can't just leave–”

“She lied to me,” I snarl at him, stalking over to his car—I should have brought my own.

“Keys!” I snap at him, and he fishes them out of his jeans pocket and tosses them at me.

“So that's it? You aren't going to let her explain?”

“What's there to explain? She fucked some man and had a kid; pretty straightforward, Marcus,” I growl while unlocking his car. As soon as I'm in the driver's seat, I start the engine.

“You don't know that?”

“I do know that you said she had a kid, and she admitted it.”

“That doesn't mean you know the circumstances, Valen; for all you know, she could have been raped. She could have had him run off on her.”

“What do you want me to do Marcus? Either way, she has a kid, and he isn't mine, and my father will kill me if I bring a single mother home to be a goddamn Luna. Plus, that’s humiliating for me!”

“My mother was a single mother, your father a single father. What the fuck does that have to do with her ability to be Luna?” Marcus snarls at me. I rub my temples, instantly realizing my mistake.

“Fuck, I didn't mean it like that.”

“No, you meant she's a rogue whore. I thought you were better than that prejudiced bullshit. So what if she is? She is your mate.”

“Just let me think. I have two weeks until the damn Alpha meeting and no mate to present. Just… FUCK!” I scream, flooring it down the main road, the tires screeching on the road as I take off.

“You can be a real jackass, you know that?”

I chuckle. Don't I know it. But either way, it changes nothing. I will be eaten alive by the vulture press if this shit gets out. People already know she's my mate. What happens if they see her son and put the pieces together? That would make for a great headline.

Marcus fiddles with the radio, my mind racing while he continues to ramble about what an idiot I'm being and yadda, yadda. I'm so distracted that I don't see the light turn red up ahead until Marcus's hand slams against my chest, shoving me back in my seat.

“VALEN!” he screams, snapping me out of my head. I hit the brakes, swerving around the corner, my heart leaping out of my throat as I white-knuckle the steering wheel. The car fishtails up the side street before finally coming to a stop.

“Fuck, that was close,” Marcus says, clutching his head as he looks out the window. The front tires are on the curb and we narrowly missed those seated outside the café in front of us. People have their phones out, taking pictures, and I know instantly what the headlines will read:

'Alpha Valen Drunk Driving'or 'Alpha Valen Putting the Public at Risk with His Stupid Stunts', or something along those lines. I hang my head.

“Fucking breathe; it isn't the end of the world,” Marcus snaps at me.

“It might as well be,” I tell him.

“Why? You get a mate and a kid on the same day.”

“Only you would think like that,” I scoff before chuckling and shaking my head.

“Just drive. We'll already be all over the front page tomorrow, let’s just get out of here,” Marcus says, slapping my chest. “And you better not have buckled my rim,” he adds, and I roll my eyes.
