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“I'll buy you new ones.”

“Nah, don't worry about it—you already did for your mate trashing my car; they come next week.”


“Don't leave your credit cards lying around. Besides, it's not like you can't afford it. I just took my bonus early,” he says.

“Do I even want to know how much?”

“Nope, but thanks, bro.”

I laugh, starting his car up, but this time slowly pulling away from the flashing cameras and the murmuring crowd that has built up around us.

I'm flicking through the stations when something catches my attention. “What's this shit?”

“Amber alert. A rogue, male child wearing black khaki shorts and a blue shirt has been reported missing,” the radio host states, and I look at Marcus.

“Well, maybe you won't be splashed all over the papers tomorrow if they don't find that kid,” Marcus murmurs, listening to the description. “Amber eyes…?”

I slam on the brakes just as Marcus's eyes go wide. “Everly's kid?” he asks.

“No, it must be a coincidence,” I tell him.

“How many kids do you know that have amber eyes?”

“Well, none; you said he had amber eyes, not me.”

“Probably right. We should head back. We have that meeting in twenty minutes anyway.”

“Yeah,” I sigh, having completely forgotten about the meeting.

“You calm yet?” he asks as I clench the steering wheel and nod once.

“Yep, same shit show, I'm just the idiot shoveling the shit; something I'm used to.”

“Thatta boy! After the meetings, we can head back to your apartment and get drunk. How does that sound?” Marcus says.

“Nah, I think I'll stay in tonight.”

“Great, that means you can be the designated driver and watch me get drunk,” Marcus says, and I roll my eyes.

“Or you can sit at my place and I'll watch you get drunk while I figure out how to get out of this arranged marriage,” I tell him.

“Sounds good—as long as I'm getting drunk; I need a drink after all your dramas today,” Marcus laughs. We're nearly back at my hotel when my phone starts buzzing. I groan when I see my father’s face and number pop up on the screen. I quickly answer it, putting it on speaker so I can continue driving.

“Yes, Dad,” I say in a bored tone.

“Where are you? You're late!”

“Pulling into the parking lot now,” I lie—I'm still ten minutes out.

“Good, good, so what did you want to tell me about the Alpha meeting? I got your message earlier but forgot to reply—some announcement—is this you agreeing to the marriage?” My father asks.

I completely forgot I was going to tell him today about finding my mate. I hesitate for a second, trying to think. Maybe we can keep her son a secret, send him to boarding school for a year or so. Shit, could I even ask that of her?

I could just mark her and be done with it, nothing he could do then. Marcus eyes me, waiting to see what I say.

“Uh, yeah, we can talk about the details tomorrow; I'll be too busy after the meeting this afternoon,” I lie, trying to buy more time to think of something.
