Page 88 of The Wrong Royal

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“Heisgreat,” I agreed. “And I feel like I can be myself around him. I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not.”

“That’s important,” Astrid said, nodding her head. “But remember, relationships aren’t always perfect. You’re going to have fights and disagreements, but it’s how you handle them that matters.”

“I know,” I said, feeling a slight twinge of nervousness in my stomach. “But I’m willing to take that risk. I think he’s worth it.”

Astrid gave me a knowing look. “I can see that in your eyes,” she said. “You’re smitten with him.”

I blushed again and looked away. “I am. I like the way I am when I’m with him. I am so glad he doesn’t expect me to be a princess all the time.”

“He appreciates the real you, flaws and all,” Astrid said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. “That’s what love is all about, accepting someone for who they truly are.”

I nodded in agreement, thinking about how much Theo had already accepted about me. “I just hope I can give him what he deserves,” I said, my voice laced with worry. “I don’t want to mess this up. With the time away, I’ve come to realize I don’t want to see if I can make it work with another man. I can’t imagine there’s another guy that’s going to be willing to tolerate my craziness.”

“You’re not crazy,” she said, laughing. “You’re stressed and confused. That’s making you a little crazy.”

I sighed. “I’m determined to make this session good. No drama. I’m going to dance the night away with Theo and enjoy the events Lady Hamilton plans for us. I’m not going to think about the duties I have to take on. This is my last chance to have fun like a twenty-something.”

“Yeah! I look forward to watching you kick up your heels.”

“I’m going to try.”

“Do you want your breakfast up here or downstairs?” she asked as she moved to open the curtains.

“I’ll go downstairs,” I said. “I want to eat outside. It looks like a beautiful morning.”

“I’ll steam your dress and get your things ready,” she said.

I pulled on my robe and walked downstairs. It was strange to know Theo was so close, but yet so far. We had to play by the rules. The last thing we needed was to rock the boat and create a scandal that would ruin our reputations. People didn’t care if we were going to be married. It was juicy gossip. It would hurt his sister’s and brother’s reputations as well, which was something I knew he cared a lot about. I didn’t want to be the one that ruined it for the rest of the Ashford clan.

Astrid and I spent the entire day preparing for the ball. I was feeling particularly enthusiastic about the night. I couldn’t wait to see Theo, and I wanted him to see me. We would get to dance together and hang out in general. I was especially looking forward to the dancing. If I had my way, it would be all slow songs that demanded we press our bodies together.

I stared at the dress I chose for the black and white themed ball. It was a stunning white dress that flowed gracefully to the floor, paired with elegant heels and delicate rose quartz earrings. It was one of my favorite gowns for the season.

“I guess it’s time to put it on,” I said.

I put the dress on with Astrid’s help. I sat down and let her do my hair. My long blonde hair was intricately woven into a beautiful braid and wrapped around my head in a style that a lot of women wore back home.

“You look absolutely stunning, Emilie,” Astrid exclaimed. “I knew this dress was going to be perfect for you.

“Thank you. I feel like a real princess.”

She laughed and handed me my shoes. “Youarea real princess and you said that last time.”

“I guess I’m so used to seeing myself in sloppy jeans and flats, I forget I can still dress up.”

“You look gorgeous,” she said. “Really, really pretty.”

“Thank you.”

My anticipation reached its peak as my car pulled up to the grand ball. The air was filled with excitement and the promise of a magical evening. When my driver opened the door, I was greeted by a sight that took my breath away.

There stood Theo, looking every bit the dashing gentleman in a perfectly tailored black suit. His presence radiated confidence and sophistication, and my heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

Theo’s eyes lit up as he extended his hand toward me. “Emilie, you look absolutely stunning.”

A blush crept onto my cheeks, and I smiled warmly as I took his hand. “Thank you, Theo. You look quite handsome yourself.”

He chuckled, a twinkle in his eyes. “Shall we make our entrance?”

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