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Rueben kissed her softly before claiming Adam’s lips. They were stunning together. Breathtaking.

Rueben and Adam still hadn’t taken things further than kissing and touching, and Alisha was really hoping that they would soon. It was something she never thought she would be so eager to see.

But first. Food.

“Okay, how about we get some food in us and then we can figure out what we want to do tonight?”

“Good plan, Ali. What’s on the menu?” Adam asked, smiling at her.

She grinned before pushing away from their little huddle. “It’s a surprise. Now, I’m sure you could convince Daddy to play some games with you.”

Rueben laughed at Adam’s excited expression and grabbed the young man’s hand to pull him toward the large television and gaming setup.

“Yes!” Adam roared. “What do you want to play? I bet whatever we play I’ll kick your ass.”

“Oh, cheeky boy. That’s one.”

Alisha giggled as she started unpacking the paper bags onto the counter. She could just make out their conversation from her position. Rueben had warned her that Adam was more than likely going to get himself into trouble with his language sooner or later.

Sooner it would be then.

“What do you mean, one?” Alisha could hear Adam ask, confusion in his tone.

“That’s one cuss word. For every one word you say, you’ll earn one punishment.”

There was silence. Alisha’s face split into a huge grin as she started rinsing the veggies before chopping them up.

“What kind of punishment?”

It was said so softly, Alisha had to strain to hear what Adam said. She knew she shouldn’t be this giddy with the idea of her Daddy raining down a spanking of note on her boyfriend.

“Have you ever had your ass spanked before, boy?”

This time when the silence stretched Alisha busied herself with food prep. She didn’t need to listen in on their conversation. They wouldn’t leave her out of their fun.

Alisha could almost picture how Adam would squirm in his seat at the thought of a spanking from their Daddy. Her imagination was running wild, when her phone chirped with a notification for an incoming call. The caller ID showed a blocked number.

It was nothing new, she had a few informants who didn’t like their numbers showing, up so Alisha cleaned her hands with a kitchen towel before accepting the call.

“You slut.”

Her heart stuttered at that one direct insult. If she’d been holding anything other than the phone she would have dropped it in her shock. As it was, her hand gripped the cell so tight her brain faintly registered that she might crack the screen.

“Look at you, shacking up with two men.” The voice was distorted by some kind of electronic device, but Alisha could still hear the malice in its tone.

“You know what you need to do, slut. Leave them or the whole world will know about your disgusting lifestyle. You belong to me, Alisha. No one else.”

Alisha couldn’t think of anything to say, too shocked to react properly. Before she could gather her wits, the beep-beep-beep of a disengaged line rang in her ears.


Chapter 21

Rueben was at a loss. Alisha had called him from the kitchen in complete distress, but then proceeded to tell him about the phone call in a monotone voice that didn’t show any emotion. She shared with them as if she was telling a stranger about the weather.

She had to be terrified, pissed off, and all sorts of anxious but she wasn’t showing it. After she’d told them everything—even if it wasn’t much—that was said, she had handed over her phone to him so he could call in a favor with a tech in the IT department at work. As he was making his phone calls, she’d completed the dinner prep while an anxious Adam was hovering around her and pretty much just being in her way.

Her annoyance didn’t show. She gave him instructions—still in that scary even tone—and by the time Rueben had made all his phone calls, she had started dishing up their meal.
