Page 119 of Ben

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I reach out and rest my hands on them, bringing them even closer to me.

“I love you both. So much,” I say, and I hear them hold their breath before each of them repeat it back to me.

“I love you, too.”

* * *

I wake up with a need inside of me. The dream I just had, where I was walking down an aisle toward Cash and Ford, has left me almost panting with the need to have them both. I want them both at the same time. Inside of me. I want to feel complete, like the entirety of me begins and ends with them both.

It’s almost symbolic.

But today’s a busy day. I have work and then class.

But after.

After I get home, I’m going to take them both. I’m going to have them spill inside of me, marking me as theirs.

All day I’m nervous, planning, plotting. I worry Cash won’t go through with it, worried that he’ll hurt me. Worry that Ford will go along with what Cash says. What if they reject me?

I’ll be crushed.

Tatum sees through me almost instantly, teasing me about it relentlessly.

“You’re gonna do it, huh? Gonna convince them to give you a nice double P?”

I roll my eyes and then narrow them. “Serious question though, have you ever done that?”

Tatum sighs. “Nope, haven’t been so lucky. So I want all the details.”

I lean back in my chair in the school cafeteria, fiddling with my drink as I watch Tatum destroy a sub.

“You have lettuce on your chin,” I say when he comes up for air.

He waggles his eyebrows at me. “It’s called an accessory.”

A laugh bursts out of me as he swipes it off his chin and then slurps it into his mouth.

“God, you’re the nastiest eater.”

“Got a big mouth, can put lots of things in it.”

Another laugh bursts out of me, and when it finally dies down, I lean forward, suddenly so curious.

“What happened with you and Anthony the other night?” I ask, and Tatum shrugs.

“Nothing. I wish, but that man is so fucking straight. I just like to annoy him. Makes my dick hard.”

I smile at that and he grins goofily. “He really hates me though. He said he was gonna cut my tongue out.”


“It was after I licked him.”

My eyes widen, and he grins at me. “I like to think he secretly loved it.”

I doubt that, but then realize that Tatum might behave like a barbarian, but he knows what he’s doing. I don’t think Anthony would hurt a friend of Angel’s.

But what the fuck do I know?
