Page 123 of Ben

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I sigh and feel my eyes close. I’m so fucking happy I could die right now and regret nothing.

“Love you,” I murmur as I fall asleep.

“Love you too.”

“Love you both.”




“How’s life treating you and Avery?” I ask as I kick my feet up on the table, watching as Ben and Cash bend over the cooler to grab us all drinks. They both have mighty fine asses if I do say so. Love to feel Cash’s flex when he’s pounding into me.

“Good. Real fucking good, man,” Dean says, and I smile at him.

“You deserve it. And he sure is pretty to look at.” I glance over and see Avery inside the house, making us a salad. He’s wearing a flowing, flowery dress, his blond hair pulled into a French braid, his lips a pretty pink.

Dean frowns at my comment, and I smirk at him. “I mean, he is. Look at him. It’s just an objective statement. Don’t worry. I’ve only got eyes for Ben and Cash.”

His frown straightens out and he nods. “Good. Avery is mine.”

“Got it, boss.”

Ben makes his way back to me, looking so fucking cute in his ripped jeans, Converse, and tight blue shirt. He looks better naked, but I digress.

He hands me a grape soda and then proceeds to sit on my lap, snuggling into my chest and sighing. It’s like he’s been waiting to do this all day, despite having woken up on top of me this morning.

He’s just the cuddliest.

Since the day Dean found out about us and the air was cleared, the three of us have been over a few times for dinner and a few motorcycle rides. It’s never been uncomfortable. Dean seems happy that Ben found us, that we love him so much. That we take care of him. We make sure he eats and gets enough rest. And not that we tell his dad this, but we sexually satisfy him. All the fucking time.

I smirk at that and then my mind wanders to the future. Our future. Dean got teary-eyed last time we were over and blubbered that he can’t wait for us to get married. That he can’t wait to walk Ben down the aisle. It wasn’t the first time he’s mentioned it.

But I whole-heartedly agree with him. I can’t fucking wait either.

“When are the ladies gonna be here?” Dean asks, and Ben glances at his phone.

“Soon. Lex is bringing them. He said that sometimes Norma takes a long time to get ready because she forgets where she puts her glasses and keys.”

Dean smiles at that.

“Glad he’s bringing them. It was a blast last time.”

“It was!” Avery says as he appears at Dean’s side, leaning over and kissing his cheek. Dean grins at him before pulling him in for a long-drawn-out kiss, tongue and all.

Ben grumbles under his breath, and I let out a laugh, nuzzling his neck.

“Don’t be weird about it, babe.”

He rolls his eyes at me before moving off of me to settle on Cash’s lap. That guy just needs both of us all the time. I fucking love it. Love that I never feel like I’m competing, that Ben unequivocally wants us both.

And we feel the same about him.

It’s never a fight, it never feels like one is the odd man out. We just fit perfectly.

“How does it feel to be a college grad now, Ben?” Avery asks. “Finally done. I can’t believe it.”
