Page 125 of Ben

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Last week I broke my lease agreement and am officially moved in with Ben and Ford. Not that I wasn’t living there already, but now it feels official. We all have a place to come home to now. My place never really felt like much, and Ben wasn’t attached to his garage apartment. Ford’s house has always been home to me, so it just made sense that this is where we’d end up.

“I told you, I was going to pay the electric, water, and gas. That’s the deal.”

“Not water. I never agreed to that,” Ford says, and Ben rolls his eyes, his hand on his hips.

“I have to contribute. I won’t be a freeloader.”

I stare at them, Ford’s eyes darkening and a smirk teasing his lips. “You’re not, baby. You’re free use, which means you pay with your ass.”

Ben huffs and then rolls his eyes. “I’m not your rent boy.”

But he likes it—he pretends to be irritated with the thought, but his dick is growing hard in his pants.

Ford sees it, reaching down and sliding his hand up Ben’s hard length.

“You pay gas and electric. The rest is on us until you get a job that you love.”

Ben frowns but arches up into Ford’s touch, needing more. He already got more this morning, taking us both at the same time. Again.

He needs to be careful with that ass of his. I don’t want him to ever get hurt.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings, interrupting Ford’s plans and he sighs and moves to open the front door as Ben adjusts himself.

“Fuck,” Ben murmurs and then glowers at me. “I know you were in on the water thing. Don’t think you can use my dick to distract me from the bigger issue.”

I stand up and bring him into my arms, kissing him roughly.

“But it’s so easy,” I say with a pat on his ass.

“Oh please, don’t mind me!” Ford’s mom chimes in loudly. “I love seeing people young and in love.”

“Jesus, Mom. You need to give us some warning before you just stop on by.”

“But I just came from my quilting class, and I have a present for Benjamin.”

Ben flushes and pulls away from me, moving toward Ford’s mom. She’s basically adopted him. When she found out that the three of us were together, she nearly fainted from joy.

“I get not one but two son-in-laws!”

She’d shrieked it and couldn’t stop smiling for hours.

Not that we’re engaged. Not yet. But I have something up my sleeve. Neither Ben nor Ford know. But it’s happening. Not soon, but soon enough.

“I love it,” Ben says. In his hands is a brightly colored quilt that I know Ford’s mom spent hours on. And probably hundreds of dollars. Quilting ain’t cheap. “It’s beautiful.”

“I made it for your bed. I thought you needed a little more color in your life. Those bed sheets probably show everything.”

I chuckle and Ford sighs as Ben oohs and aahs over the intricate pattern of fabrics, making Ford’s mom beam.

“You got the colors just right. I love it.”

Ben moves to the bedroom and we follow, watching as he places the quilt over the mattress, smoothing it out.

“God, it’s wonderful. Thank you.”

Ben sniffles and Ford’s mom pulls him into a hug.
