Page 22 of Ben

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I glower at him, and his smile falls slightly.

“Oh shit, you look real bad. What happened?”

“They didn’t message me today,” I say, and Tatum’s eyes widen.

“You haven’t been fucked in twelve hours?” He sounds appalled and he should be. He should be so fucking upset.

Because I am. I don’t know what to do with myself.

“Shit, that’s bad. How’s your butthole?” he hisses, and I slap at his chest.

“It’s empty, you jerk.”

“Of course it is. It doesn’t know what to do with itself.”

I stare at him and a laugh bubbles out of me at how utterly ridiculous this is.

“And I see you have a nice little mark on your neck.”

I pull my scarf around my neck a little tighter. “God, don’t remind me. This is what started it all.”

“I know, you told me. In glaring detail last night.”

I huff and then stuff my phone away when the professor walks by.

“It’s fine. It will all be fine,” I tell myself and Tatum, who bobs his head and then follows me into the classroom.

“It will be. It will all work out.”

I’m not sure if I believe him. Especially when I end up at the shop after class and Cash and Ford are both there. Cash doesn’t make eye contact with me and my heart drops in my chest. Ford looks a little wrecked too, his eyes bloodshot and his hair a mess. Something happened last night, and my stomach turns as I envision it.

Has my biggest fear come true and they talked about me?

“What’s up with you two?” my dad asks his two friends, who look a little guilty.

Cash stands up and presses a hand to his temple. “It was Ford’s idea.”

I lean forward, trying to hear what’s going on but also not wanting to look like I’m prying.

“What was?” my dad asks just as Avery, the office manager appears, wearing a skirt and army boots. He looks fucking hot, and I can’t miss how my dad’s eyes slide across his legs.

“We went a little crazy last night. Forgot we weren’t twenty.”

“And why wasn’t I invited?” Dean asks, and Ford rolls his eyes and then winces.

“You were with Avery. Where you should be.”

Avery blushes and then taps Dean on the shoulder. “Hate to break up the bromance but you have a phone call. Angry Myrtle has questions and I can’t, Dean. I cannot or I will quit.”

Dean’s eyes soften, and he follows Avery back up the stairs where they disappear into the office.

Ford and Cash both watch them go and then both sets of eyes turn to me. I feel color bleed into my cheeks as I fumble with my pencil. It falls onto the ground, and I fall to my knees to grab it, hiding under my desk for a little too long.

God, I don’t want to come out. I want to stay down here until they leave. But I can’t. Literally. The desk is moved back two feet and I’m exposed, hunkering down, the pencil in my hand like a guilty child.

“Thought there was a trap door down there and you fell in,” Ford says as Cash eyes me warily.

“I just—I got a bit distracted. Lots of dust under here…”
