Page 58 of Ben

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“We don’t want anyone feeling left out.”

“I won’t. It will turn me on knowing you two have been messing around. And you know, you could send me some dirty pics.”

I swallow loudly and Ford’s eyes turn to me.

“We’ll see,” he says, and I nod, not sure if he and I will mess around without Ben in the picture. I mean, we did that one time, but Ben showed up halfway through, so it almost doesn’t count.

“I just don’t want to hold you two back.”

Ford reaches out and settles his hand on the back of Ben’s neck.

“We want you, Benjamin.”

He blinks rapidly and then nods, finishing off his sandwich and coffee quickly before standing up.

“I need to shower and then go home before work.”

Without thinking, I wrap my hand around his waist and pull him onto my lap. He falls onto me without resisting.

“What time do you work?” I ask, not wanting him to leave yet, knowing Ford is going to go feral once Ben takes off.

“I have to be there from twelve to six.”

I glance at the clock on the oven and then press my lips to his neck. He shivers slightly and leans back against me.

“You have two hours. Let’s shower here and take our time and then you can go.”

He lets out a shaky breath and then nods.

“Okay. If you want me to.”

“Hell yes, we do,” Ford says and then stands up, his cock nearly hitting the table as he goes.

We both eye it, and I see Ben wet his lips from the corner of my eye.

Yes, a shower is what we need. One where we get filthy first and then wash ourselves clean.

And then, when Ben is gone at work, Ford and I can discuss what we plan on doing from here on out. Because it’s clear that we’re in this together now, that this isn’t just a fling.

I’m serious about making this work between the three of us. I want Ben just as much as I want Ford.

I want all of us together.

And like hell I’m gonna fail.



The shower with the two of them scrambled my brain, and I wonder how I’ll manage to make it through work as a functioning adult. Because the minute we were inside those glass doors, they were on me—almost delirious with need, their cocks jutting out from their bodies, their thick fingers raking down my skin, and I just melted into a lust-filled coma. They used me, Cash rutting his dick through the crease of my ass, Ford, grabbing my dick, bringing us together, and frotting until we each came, our bodies wet and shaking as we tried like hell to wash it all away.

I was barely able to stand, my entire body wrung out. And they weren’t much better, their movements sloppy and uncoordinated.

“We still have an hour,” Ford says as he watches me dress.

I meet his stare, and he wets his lips. “Can we just hold you for a bit?”

I swallow, feeling like I shouldn’t let this happen but wanting it all the same.
