Page 62 of Ben

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Yeah, I can totally stay for a little while longer. Maybe one day, Cash and Ford can sit on this couch with me snuggled between them.

I shake that thought away.

No, that can’t ever happen. It won’t ever happen. I might go on a date with them both, but my dad can’t ever find out.

It would crush him, and I don’t want to see that smile fade because of me.

* * *

I finally arrive at Ford’s house and stand at the front door for a minute before realizing that they gave me a key. I can use that to let myself in since it’s pretty late.

The key feels serious to me, almost symbolic. I clutch it in my hand as I walk inside, only two lamps lighting the entire space.

Immediately, my eyes scan the open living area, and I don’t see either of them. My heart drops slightly, wondering if they went out without me or went to bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

I shake that thought away. We talked about this, very briefly, this morning. If they choose to be together while I’m away, I’m okay with that. I can’t always be present and they have needs too. I can’t expect them to wait around for me to come home every day. My schedule is busier than theirs at the moment and my free time is hard to come by.

Plus, I have a feeling that Cash and Ford are only now discovering long-dormant feelings for one another.

This is new for all of us.

I check in the bedroom, and when I don’t see them there, I make my way out back. The moon is out, the stars mostly hidden behind gray clouds, and I see them sitting in the dark, both of them in the hot tub, their arms spread across the back of the tub, their eyes swiveling to me as soon as I make an appearance on the back porch.

I stand there awkwardly, feeling guilty for changing my plans this afternoon, but at the same time, I know they understand. They know my dad, they know me.

I had to go. And if they saw how happy my dad was that I was there, they’d probably tell me to do it more often. They care about both of us deeply.

I know that.

I fiddle with the end of my shirt, not sure what to do now that I’m here. What do they want from me? What are they expecting?

We stare at each other until Ford’s hand moves and he grabs on to Cash’s chin, pulling him in for a searing kiss. My heart rate picks up, and I feel my cock harden as I watch them bite and lick at each other’s mouths.

God, they’re so hot together. They could set an entire room on fire.

Cash’s ringed hand moves into Ford’s hair as he tilts his head and sucks his bottom lip into his mouth.

Ford groans loudly and then shifts closer, almost trying to crawl onto his lap, but Cash pulls away, Ford chasing his mouth.

They meet each other’s stare for a long, heady moment before the two of them turn to face me.

Well. Fuck. Me.

I know where I’m headed.

I move toward them, pulling my shirt off and dropping it on the ground as I go. Cash and Ford wet their swollen lips as I approach. I still don’t know what they see in me, how I ever caught their eyes, but the way that their breathing changes, the way that they look at me tells me that they like what they see.

“Took your time,” Ford says, his hands clenching tightly on the lip of the spa, and I know that he’s trying his best to behave. Cash reaches back and presses his fingers against the back of Ford’s nape, holding him in place. He wants to lunge at me, wants to maul my mouth.

I wouldn’t mind it. I wouldn’t mind being consumed like that.

“He came when he could,” Cash says steadily.

Ford lets out a shaky breath and my gaze swivels between them.

“Did you fuck while I was gone?” I ask, and Ford lets out a wheeze.

“Fuck no. We were waiting for you.”
