Page 70 of Ben

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God damn. My men look hot in suits. Fuck, this fitting is killing me, putting me in an early sexually frustrated grave.

I tug at the tie around my neck and then adjust my hard dick. It’s poking out from my slacks and waving around at customers, but it’s not my fault.

Cash and Ben look exquisite.

I mean, they always do, and it makes me damn proud to think that they’re mine.

“Jesus, Ford. Put that shit away,” Cash hisses, and I sigh.

“I tried, man, but you bent over and I got all sorts of ideas.”

Ben laughs at that and then turns around, facing the mirror and arching his ass out a little, teasing me.

“That’s not helping,” I murmur and Ben meets my gaze in the mirror. He looks so goddamn happy that my dick is forgotten as I smile back at him.

“You think these work?” Cash asks, moving to stand near Ben, and I move up behind them, grabbing both their asses as I do, squeezing hard.

Cash rolls his eyes as Ben pushes back into my hand.

Fuck, he’s needy for it.

“I think you guys look hot. I think your parents are going to lose their shit.”

“Good,” Ben says and then turns around and takes my mouth in a scorching kiss which leaves my head spinning.

It’s fucking awkward too. The man at the counter taking our payment is studiously trying to ignore my hard dick. Well, it’s not my fault. I’m horny for both of them. This man obviously has no clue the torture I’ve had to endure all day. If he could only fathom the amount of times my dick has complained, he’d end up having to go to HR.

“Is this going to get back to my dad?” Ben asks when we make our way back home. “Like, will your parents tell him that I went with you guys?”

“No,” Cash scoffs. “They don’t talk to Dean, know nothing about him. They probably don’t even know he has a son.”

Ben relaxes a little in his seat, and I reach forward from the backseat and massage his shoulders.

His head falls back against the headrest and he moans. It sets off my hair-trigger dick, and I bite my lip to keep myself in check.

I can see Cash isn’t unaffected either by the way his hands tighten on the steering wheel.

“I wish I didn’t have to go to this study group. I already feel like I haven’t seen you all day,” Ben says when we finally arrive back at my place. Cash turns his car off and faces him.

“When will you be home?”

Home. Hell yes, it is.

“Late, probably. I should probably just go back to my apartment—”

“No, come back here,” I interrupt. “Come back to us.”

Ben looks at the two of us and then nods. “Okay, if that’s what you want.”

“It’s what we want,” Cash says and then leans forward and pulls him in for a kiss. Ben goes willingly, almost crawling into his lap as he slants his mouth over his. I watch it all, feeling horny as fuck, but knowing I’m gonna have to wait for some relief.

Unless Cash wants to get me off alone.

I could go with that too.
