Page 82 of Ben

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“It was good, huh?” Cash says, looking proud. Well, he should be. That restaurant was amazing. I wasn’t so sure when we entered because everyone seemed a little snooty, but they had a right to be. The food and service was another level. I don’t know if we’ll be going back anytime soon because the bill made me nauseous, but I’d sure as fuck go back there if given the option.

Maybe for our anniversary. We could come back here every year and stuff our faces. And yeah, I’m thinking of the future. Who wouldn’t?

“Yeah, it was amazing. And you know it,” Ben says, rubbing at his stomach. “I’m stuffed. Can barely move.”

The way his hands are rubbing across his stomach turns me on, and I lean into him and kiss him. He had two glasses of wine with dinner and looks a little flushed. Like maybe he’s a little buzzed, which is fine by me.

I want to stuff him full of my cock and then suck his dick into my mouth—a nice sixty-nine after dessert—but first we have places to go.

Now it’s time for my part of the date, and it’s something I’m really fucking excited for.

“Cash, let me drive, since this is part of the surprise.”

Cash shakes his head “Yeah, you driving my car… don’t think so.”

“Oh, fuck you,” I say and then lean in and kiss him, my tongue swirling around his mouth as I pull the keys from his back pocket.

He grunts and glowers at me when I dangle them before him.

“You tricked me, you fucker.”

“You’re easy,” I say as we all pile into the car, Ben leaning against Cash and reaching between his legs to massage his dick.

I swear, a tipsy Ben is a horny one. More so than normal. Which is saying something.

“What are you doing?” I ask as I start the engine, and Ben nearly purrs.

“I’m horny. That food had an aphrodisiac in it, I think.”

“What food had that in it? And did I not get any?” I ask because I don’t remember that at all. But I was slightly distracted by the way Ben and Cash were licking their forks. Those tongues, those lips.

I shift in my seat and grip the steering wheel.

“You’re not horny?” Ben asks. “I’m surprised to hear that.”

“No, I am. Of course I am, but listen, if I don’t get to take you on my part of the date, I’m gonna be pissed.” Cash groans and I glance over. “Ben, take your hand off of Cash’s dick.”

Ben just seems to rub it harder.

Ridiculous men.

Horny bastards.

“Goddamnit,” I say as I lean over and grab on to Ben’s hand, pulling it onto my lap. Which was a mistake because now he’s rubbing my dick.

And my dick likes it.

“Behave,” I hiss, but Ben just presses his lips to the curve of my neck, making my skin break out in goosebumps.

“Make me come. I want you both to make me come,” he moans, his hand moving to his own cock and rubbing through the fabric of his jeans. He’s arching into it and being completely obscene. Which, to be honest, I totally love. But Jesus fuck.

What are we supposed to do about it? We’re in the middle of a fancy parking lot. People could see him getting railed. And as much as that turns me on, I don’t want Ben to get arrested.

“Oh god,” Ben whines and then gasps loudly. “Oh god, I need you.”

Cash and I are both watching him, our breathing growing labored as Ben moans and gasps, like a horny little shit.

“Get in the back with him,” I finally say, peeling my eyes off of Ben and focusing on the parking lot in front of me. There are expensive cars all around us, and I wonder if anyone is sitting behind those tinted windows, watching.
