Page 86 of Ben

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“They’re gemstones,” I say with a smile. “Those ones are for sexual vitality.”

Norma snatches it out of Martha’s hand and slips it on her wrist.

“Oh, you old goose, you don’t need any more sexual energy,” Martha says. “You know I’m dry as a rock and need all the help I can get.”

My stomach rolls at the thought, and I shoot her a glare. “Martha, I don’t need to know that.”

She waves my comment away. “It’s the truth. Vikki, look at these. What are these for? They’re so pretty.”

“I don’t remember, just that they all had to do with sex.”

“Can we have more than one?” Vikki asks, and I shrug. Ford, Cash, and I don’t really need any more help with our sex life. They keep up with me just fine. I’m more than happy with how often I’m getting it. Just this morning, they took me again in the shower. One right after the other.

It hurts to sit, but I’m not complaining. I love being reminded that I’m theirs.

When I get home tonight, they’re going to cook me dinner and then sit with me in the hot tub. I can’t wait to get my ass eaten again while bent over the side.

“What arethese?” a familiar voice croons. When I look up, I see Emery and Lex stride up to my desk. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the two of them were brothers. Maybe it’s the tattoos and the wild look in both of their eyes, but they’re eerily similar.

“Oh, I love these colors! They’re like Skittles,” Emery exclaims as he starts to dig through the bag uninvited. “What are these?”

He holds up a purple bracelet and tries it on, holding out his arm and examining it in the light.

“Are these up for grabs?” he asks, and I nod.

“Sure, we have more than enough for everyone.”

Emery beams at me. “August is gonna think this is so sexy. I bet I can wear this around my penis like a necklace.”

Vikki snorts, and Emery flushes. “I didn’t mean to say that out loud, but now that I have… think it would work?”

“I think I’d advise against putting anything around your weiner,” Lex says, and Emery rolls his eyes.

“God, but that’s no fun.”

Lex huffs. “What if you have to get it cut off? Your dick, I mean.”

Emery considers that a moment and then nods. “Fine, no necklace for my weiner, but maybe my balls.”

Norma chuckles as Emery takes two more bracelets before flinging his arms around Vikki and Martha.

“Okay, we’re here to eat and get our nails done. I’m thinking a bright pink…” He wanders off with them, Lex waggling his fingers at me and trailing behind. Then I watch as Norma reaches into the bag I brought and stuffs a few more bracelets into her bra.

Welp, I don’t want those anymore.

“Thanks, dearie. I’m already feeling the tingle,” she says as she follows her friends down the hallway toward the dining hall. I watch them go and then sigh, putting the bag of remaining gemstones under the counter and getting back to work. Over the next few hours, I check in a few people and chat with some of the staff nurses before finding some downtime to text Ford and Cash.

Well, sext is more like it.

Our messages started out innocently enough, but then quickly turned hot. I can just see them both at work, sneakily messaging me. Maybe they’re in the bathroom together, jacking each other off while I send them dirty thought after dirty thought.

I shift in my seat.

Fuck, that would be so hot.

I look down at my phone and see that they’ve both messaged me in the group chat.

