Page 13 of King of Death

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We hadn’t spent a single night apart since I’d rescued him from the Carlin. Nua had said we might be able to get back sometime in the night if the forest made our journey quick and we didn’t spend too long at my old home, but it was possible we’d end up having to find somewhere to sleep overnight.

I wasn’t worried, even though I probably should have been. The Carlin’s spies watched seelie land constantly. No doubt she would know almost the moment Nua and I entered the forest.

But Lonan would be here. Safe, where she couldn’t touch him. That was what mattered.

“I’ll miss you too, Oak King.” Lonan smoothed down my shirt after letting go. “Come back with all your current body parts for me.”

I chuckled. “I’ll try. Don’t particularly want to get the other arm cut off.”

His eyes darkened, dropping to take in my spindly branch fingers. I saw his jaw clench, and I knew he was resisting the urge to demand to come with me.

But he’d been the one to make the bargain. He’d agreed to stay behind if he lost, and he had. He couldn’t go back on it now.

We both turned when a door opened to see Nua and Gillie coming into the front hall. Nua had his blade strapped to his hip, as well as a dagger, and it was jarring at first to see my gentle older brother with weapons, even though he’d been the one to teach me how to use my dagger. He was fast and skilled—he’d kept me safe as a child, so I knew he was.

I smiled as they approached. Gillie looked a little tense, which was strange to see on his normally smiling face. Guilt stabbed at me, and I considered telling Nua that we didn’t have to do this. He was at more risk than I was. He wasn’t a king—he wasn’t near unkillable.

And if the Carlin had wanted to sap the Brid’s power from me, she had probably spent years trying to find Nua to do the same once he’d been exiled.

“All set?” Nua asked me cheerfully, adjusting the hooded cloak around his shoulders.

I was wearing a thin hooded coat too, in hopes we’d draw less attention as we made our way through the forest.

“Don’t worry, Lonan.” Nua gave him a soft smile. “I’ll keep his temper in check and his eyes sharp.”

Lonan smiled tightly, dark eyes drifting back to me with a hint of worry in them.

“And that branch arm you made him makes him lethal with his bow.” Gillie wrapped an arm around Nua and kissed his temple.

Nua rolled his eyes. “We both made it.”

“Excellent craftsmanship,” Gillie continued as if he hadn’t spoken, then shot me a sly grin. “My seelie has clever fingers.”

I cringed. “I will throw you in the dungeon one day if you keep it up, Gillie.”

He chuckled. “Is that a promise? Careful throwing those about, lad.”

After giving him an unimpressed look, I turned to Nua. “You don’t have to come, Nua. You could just show me the path from—”

“You’re not going alone, Ash,” Lonan cut in sharply.

“What?” Nua frowned. “No, of course you’re not going alone. I’m happy to go. You need me to show you, anyway. You haven’t crossed over yet. You won’t be able to find the way on your own.”

I chewed my lip anxiously. “But it could be dangerous—”

“Ash.” Nua rested a long-fingered hand on my arm. “I made that journey countless times when you were a boy. I spent months sneaking to the edge of unseelie land to leave you notes. I know the forest and how to stay hidden in it.”

“We had the Brid searching for us before.” Gillie smiled at me, but his eyes were still a little tight with worry. “Nua can fend for himself, lad.” His gaze drifted to Lonan, and he added, “For both of you.”

I could feel Lonan getting even tenser beside me, so I nodded. “Alright.”

As Gillie swooped down to give Nua a kiss, I turned to Lonan, pulling him closer and kissing his cheek, my mouth lingering there. “See you soon.”

“Yes.” Lonan pushed my hair back from my face before lifting my hood. “Be safe. Don’t hesitate if anything happens.”

“I won’t.”

“We’ll hold down the fort here,” Gillie said cheerfully as we walked to the huge front doors. The guards heaved them open, letting the mottled pink glow of dawn flood inside, casting eerie light over us.
