Page 50 of Anton's Grace

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She took a deep breath then held my gaze. “You stopped.”

I froze.

“When it mattered the most, I asked you not to do it, and you stopped. I don’t think I could have ever forgiven you otherwise, even with the Denax. But you stopped.”

Except you shouldn’t have had to ask, to begin with.

“So what happens now?” she asked, fiddling with the hem of her nightgown.

“Our contract says anything I want.” Grace held her breath. “I want many things, Grace, but not your pain.”

She exhaled a shuddering breath. A glimmer of hope seemed to flicker in her eyes but vanished so quickly I wondered if I imagined it. Things were definitely broken between us, but I would fix them. I never faltered before a challenge, and none mattered as much as she did.

“You said I never have fun,” I said, hoping to lighten the mood. That got her curious. “Well, today I’m taking a day off, and you get to decide what we do. Though you have to stay in bed and rest.”

She gave me an ‘are you serious?’ look.

I smirked. “Stop thinking dirty, you pervert. I saidrest, not sex. You are still sick. In fact, I have to give you another shot in a few minutes.”

Her face heated, and she bit her lip. To be fair, I had somewhat set her up, but still…

“I get to decide?” she asked.

“Yes, you decide.”

“Anything I want?”

I couldn’t help chuckling. “Yes, anything you want.”

The glimmer of mischief in her eyes didn’t bode well. I braced for whatever would come my way, already cursing myself for giving her that much power.

“I want us to watch a movie.”

That didn’t sound too bad.

“Okay,” I said slowly. “Which one?”

“Moonlight over Kigamot Sek.”

My face fell as her smile broadened. The little minx had chosen the sappiest, most lovey-dovey, tear jerking, sigh-inducing movie ever made. Did I look like I would watch that kind of stuff?

Cringing, I asked, “Really?”

She batted not so innocent eyelashes at me. “You did say anything I wanted.”

I sighed, my shoulders sagging. “As you wish.”

Grace beamed. I’d sit through a thousand sappy movies to keep that sparkle in her eyes.

“Let’s watch it now!”

“I’m afraid not.” She frowned at me, probably thinking I was trying to back out. “It’s time for your shot. Based on the past three injections, it makes you lethargic for at least a couple of hours. We’ll watch it as soon as you come back around.”

Pursing her lips in a pretty pout, she lay down while I charged the hypospray.

Grace looked up at me. “So, what did I have? And how did I get sick?”

That knocked the wind out of me. After everything, I didn’t want to tell her one of the passionate kisses we exchanged either in my office or at Risqué had put her life in jeopardy.
