Page 28 of Mother's Day Inn

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The blues of his eyes shift like dark ice in the middle of the blackest ocean as he scans me.

My heart squeezes, my breath stuttering as I melt under him. I want nothing more than to fall in love with his pretty words and believe them with every part of me. So why don’t I? What is the singular thing holding me back?

I don’t get to consider what the possibility could be because Theo spears through the rubble he’s left of my wall.

“Instead of having it set in your mind that tonight is about getting me out of your system, let it serve as proof of how bad I want to keep you.”

Everything in my body wrings tight.

“Keep me?” My voice is barely a whisper.

Theo nods once. “Keep you.”

My lips part and close twice and still I can’t find a response. To tell him how those two simple words cause the most heart wrenching reaction from me. To ask him why the hell me? But I don’t have to.

He sees it as plain as day, etched in every feature on my face. A smile curves his lips, and he deftly flicks the part of my towel holding it in place, forcing it to fall to the floor.

Standing completely naked and still slightly damp from my shower, I let him take in all of me. Every soft curve, every silver line of skin bearing witness to when my stomach was round with a child, every freckle and dip.

He examines each minute detail, and somehow,somehow, I’ve never felt sexier.

When Theo’s eyes find their way back to my face, I’m drenched, my pussy throbbing with need.

He reads that too, and the lust that flashes over his eyes is almost primal.

In the next blink, I’m being picked up, walked to the room and tossed on the bed. I squeak, giggling at being handled as if I’m nothing more than a pile of laundry. But then Theo’s on top of me, his hands landing on either side of my head, and the laughter dries in my throat.

“When I make you come this time, I want you to watch me. I want your eyes to witness me drink every last drop of your cum, and see how good you look dripping down my chin.”

My eyes don’t leave Theo’s face.

I watch with keen intent as he presses a row of delicate kisses along my jaw before dipping down, stopping below my ear.

An onslaught of shivers ripples through me as he keeps his body from touching mine, the only contact between us the slow and tortuous slide of his tongue along the shell of my ear.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you looked with my cock down your throat?” His words act as an aphrodisiac, simulating a string of tingles to radiate across my core. “I can’t wait to see what you look like with it buried in this wet cunt.”

He nips at my earlobe, the small spark of pain quickly ebbing when he soothes over it with a tender kiss.

“Can’t wait to see it overflowing with everything I pump into it.”

I push out a heady sigh, the idea of him filling me with his orgasm doing horribly explicit things to my libido. Like the clips he had me watch, the act felt so incredibly intimate and beyond the normal realm of casual sex. It means wanting the other person so badly, you want to fill them with your very essence.

I’m sure it’s just talk, dirty words to excite me and elicit a response. But the way the image imprints on me and makes me crave it has me needing to confirm.

“You wouldn’t—”

Theo’s teeth graze along the column of my neck as he works over my pulse point. “I meant every word I ever said to you, Olivia. You belong to me.”

He kisses the scar that runs along the edge of my collarbone. His mouth pauses as his gaze take in the raised flesh. Something crosses over his eyes I can’t quite place—something like regret or maybe sadness. I want to ask him what’s wrong, what thoughts have begun swirling around his head, but stop when he continues kissing the spot seven more times.

One for every stitch.

My heart thrums harder as he moves down, trailing his lips between the valley of my breasts before continuing his spiel. “I plan to fill you until you’re dripping days later, the reminder of me an ever constant anytime you move. Any time you reach down here and touch what I’m about to claim.”

“Why?” The question escapes me in a rush, my breath starting to come faster as he trails off to one hardened nipple.

He licks the tight bud, coaxing a whimper to tumble out of me.
