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He’s so perfect… in every way. His dark hair looks like spilled ink in the snow and his crimson horns and eyes are the red that paints my soul. His smile is contagious and his black tattoos are begging to be bitten.

My drop of blood.

I lean into him and press my lips on his. We’re both fucking shivering but our tongues are hot as they dance with one another.

“I fucking nailed you with that snowball to the face.”

I bite down on his lower lip and his nostrils flare.

“Careful, pup, we’re in public and I’m not above having an audience.”

My eyes widen. I didn’t think Rune was so… open to those kinds of things. I pull back and smile at him. “Oh yeah? What are you going to do, Rune? Pull my pants down and fuck me in the middle of Nesbrim?”

He wrinkles his nose and lifts his upper lip as if he’s snarling at me, but he can’t hold back his smile. Gods, what I wouldn’t do for this man. I push his head back into the snow before springing up and running again.

I’ve grown to love being chased. Wren would be so proud.

I swing past the cottages and dip down into the canal that runs right through the city. The river is completely frozen and a light dusting of snow coats the top. I slip a few times, giggling the entire way as I hurry under the stone bridge, trying my hardest to contain my laughter so I don’t give myself away.

Gods, he’s one hundred percent going to find me down here. I crouch down and wrap my arms around my knees as a sad attempt to be small and hide.

After a few minutes of silence, I figure I’ve lost him. “Wren waswaybetter at this game,” I mumble to myself. My smile is loose and my breath curls in the crisp air.

“I know, right? Shameful.”

I gasp so loud it echoes in the arches of the bridge above. I turn quickly—are my ears betraying me? Or is it…

“Wren?!” I’m already crying before my arms wrap around his shoulders. He lets out that laugh of his that always warmed my heart and I squeeze himhard. The scent of pines fills me and I’m back in my forest for a moment.

I keep my eyes shut—I don’t want to lose this moment.

He spins us a bit, lifting my feet off the ground as I bury my face in his shoulder. I can almost see him and Murph walking on Old Man Bruno’s trails again, the fireflies rising from the fields around them as they turn and look back at me.

I wish I could turn back time. Go back to the day we met and change everything, stay a little longer, and enjoy the small things.

“It’s nice to see you too.” His arms tighten around me and when he finally sets me down, I take him in.

He looks well—not great, but good enough that I know he’s eating and at least has a sense of hope within himself. His hair is short now, the sides buzzed and top styled. I’ll never get used to seeing his dark hair without the translucent leaves, but I push back the sad thoughts their absence brings me. His Vernovian Thorn is just as prickly as it’s always been.

His soft amber eyes trace my face and I can tell he’s missed me as much as I have him.

“I missed you so much—but what the fuck are you doing here? Violet will have you gutted if she finds you out here.” I press my hand against his cheek and he leans into it, shutting his eyes. I get stuck gazing at his beautiful dark lashes.

He was always too beautiful for his own good—my eternal heartthrob.

The Cypress rolls his eyes and pulls out a joint, popping it in his mouth and bringing out my pink lighter to spark it. I can’t help but smile at the reminder of the life I left behind.

“I’m just here to sayhi.” The sarcasm is dripping from his lips and I’m instantly glaring at him.

“This isn’t a joke—she won’t stop until she has Lucius.” I look out across the frozen river and tense at the thought of her torturing my friends.

He throws his arm around my shoulder and looks out across the river with me. “Yeah, I know… Lighten up. You’re always so serious and it gives me feelings.”

I quirk a brow at him. “Gives youfeelings?You?” I bump him with my elbow for emphasis and he laughs. My broken organ flutters.

“You’ve always had that on me,” he mumbles like it’s a secret. I snap my eyes up to him and when his amber gaze sinks into mine, my cheeks warm. Has he always been this charming or have I just forgotten with time? Gods.

I squirm out from his hold and face him. There’s something I’ve been wanting to say to him for a long, long time.
