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“I never got to thank you,” I mumble, struggling to find the words. How do you thank someone for literally sacrificingeverythingfor you? When they had no reason other than being your friend?

He tilts his head and his expression becomes serious. “For what? I just got here. Unless I cracked your back or something when I twirled you, then I guess—”


He tightens his snarky lips and stares at me when he hears my serious tone.

“I want to thank you for giving me everything…everything, when you never had to. Thank you for your sacrifices… and if Murph were here, I—”

He pulls me into a hug, silencing me from saying what we both know. Words that are too heavy to be spoken. Too somber to even think.

“I’d give anything for you, Elodie,” he murmurs into my hair, wrenching tears from me.

“But why? I wish I could go back. I wish none of this ever happened and that we could all just be… I don’t know, fucking happy for once. In Caziel maybe, with Marley and Margo and all of us…all of us.” I sob into his black cloak.

“You know that was never possible. The Rhythm is dying. You and Kastian… you’re the only hope. Don’t let our sacrifices be in vain.”

I shake my head into his chest. “I’m useless. I don’t have my powers—I don’t know how to get them back.”

He rests his chin on my head. “You’ll take your power back, Elodie. I know you will. You just need to find the bond’s weakness. Kastian is here to help too.”

“I don’t trust him… I don’t trust anyone. No one but you. You’re the only one who’s proved time and time again that you’re on my side no matter what.”

He lets me go and nudges me toward the streets.

“That may be so… but you’re going to need your friends. This fight can’t be won alone.”

I turn and watch him curiously. He’s got a dangerous look in his eyes. “What?”

“Run,” he whispers, flicking his joint into the snow, and the motion sends shivers up my spine and a thrill through my bones. “Let’s see if you’ve gotten any better at running from me.”

Something shifts in me—pain, but the nostalgic kind, like I’m living my greatest desires. The flicker of heat in Wren’s eyes has me weak.

“Run,” he mouths again, and I don’t wait another second before I’m bolting back up the streets and laughing as my shoes clack against the cobblestones. Wren’s chasing me in seconds, his black hood pulled up just in case anyone is watching. Honestly, he looks so different with short hair, I wouldn’t be surprised if no one recognized him.

He’s so fucking fast and he’s gaining on me, reaching his hand out like he’s going to grab me. I let out a shrill scream before taking a tight turn down one of the alleys that leads up toward my favorite café. He’s going to catch me anyway, so we might as well have some food and coffee like old times.

Wren takes the corner just as fast and he’s laughing too. The sound of it fills me, and my face hurts from the smile that’s been plastered on it since hugging him.

A familiar thought flutters through me—is this real? It’s so beautiful and my heart’s splitting just being near him. I know this is real—and if it isn’t… the sun warms me anyway. Arulius smiling with the sun and rain beaming on his face flashes through my memory.

I smile. At least he gave me a few good memories.

I reach the end of the alley before Wren tackles me and I brace myself to hit the ground ruthlessly, but he turns so he lands on the ground and I land on top of him.

Our noses are pressed together and we burst into laughter. His amber eyes blaze with affection and I’m crying again just being in his arms.

“Wow, have you gotten soft? You used to damn near throw my ass against the ground and pin my arms like an asshole,” I manage between giggles.

He wipes his eyes and gives me a shit-eating grin. “Yeah, I was sort of an asshole, wasn’t I?” He chuckles and his smile fades as his eyes shift to my broken wing. It’s impossible to not notice the difference in length compared to the other one. His expression hardens and he smooths his hand over the feathers softly.

I try to shift his focus. “Hey, you want to get some coffee? I know a shop that puts the one in Caziel to shame.” I wink at him and shove his head into the snow as I start to trot off toward the café.

He lets out a short breath and laughs. “Yeah, I would love a fucking cup of coffee.” He catches up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

We find a booth in the far corner of Greysil’s café. She gives me a curious look and raises a brow at my friend. I put a finger to my lips and she nods without any sort of explanation. I knew she was a good match for Naminé. She sets two cups of coffee down for us and leaves to tend to the other customers.

The suns are already well below the mountain line. The stars are starting to come out. While I feel a tiny bit bad about ditching Rune, he should be better about catching me. Wren had no trouble at all.
